New Teclis & Lumineth Realm-lords FAQ & Errata

Check out all the changes in the Broken Realms: Teclis and Lumineth Realm-lords FAQ along with some Designer Commentary.

The books have been out for a few weeks, so you know what that means, FAQs, hooray… Anyway, if you play the factions, it’s always good to know what is changing! You can download the full thing here, but we’ll highlight some of the changes for you. 

A lot of it is just wording changes to make the rules easier to read, but there are some actual changes as well. Luckily both came out at the same time so it’s easier to just digest all the changes at once. Let’s check out what’s happening. 

Broken Realms: Teclis Errata & Designer Commentary

Broken Realms Teclis Designer CommentaryThe commentary just clears up a lot of questions from the book, and if you’ve been wondering how these work, here you go! Some big ones though, the pile-in can still happen even if they are not within 3″ of an enemy. Also, the Sunmetal Weapons being left out was actually intentional and not a typo.

Broken Realms Teclis FAQAgain, nothing too crazy here, just clarification for confusingly written rules.

Lumineth Realm-lords FAQ & Designer Commentary

Lumineth Realm-lords Designer Commentary


Lumineth Realm-lords Designer Commentary 2There was a decent amount of confusion in this one, so there is a lot to cover in terms of the Designer Commentary. Spirit of the Wind can be used in your opponent’s shooting phase, which is pretty sweet and nice to have cleared up.

It’s also interesting to note you can move through the shrine until it is garrisoned by a unit or model. You can also count as charging in your enemy’s turn with Whirling Tornadoes, so if people were saying you were wrong, yeah for you!

Lumineth Realm-lords FAQNothing big here, just some changes to how Into the Gale works with enemy units and their pile-ins. That does it for the changes, for now, if you want to download everything from the FAQs, you can get them here.

What do you think about the changes? Anything unexpected in here?

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