NEW TERRAIN – The Grim Dark Meets PC’s Dawn of War?

By Rob Baer | February 24th, 2016 | Categories: Kickstarter, Terrain, Warhammer 40k Rumors

The Grim Dark Meets PC's Dawn of War?

Come see the new cool line of grim dark terrain from your table top that’s straight outta the PC game Dawn of War! 28mm Black Site X and Rapid Vanguard terrain is here!

produced by Death Ray Designs (formerly Brush 4 Hire)

Death Ray Designs is producing 2 brand-new lines of laser-cut wargaming terrain currently on Kickstarter. They are planning to use funds generated from this campaign to upgrade equipment and pursue distribution to local gaming stores. Pledge levels include 2 different sizes of bundles for both lines, pledges for painted terrain and a pledge level for retailers.

The Rapid Vanguard set steps in line with the Sci-fi Gothic aesthetic, while pushing the bounds of what is currently seen in laser-cut terrain with layered materials to create raised and more easily painted details.


Black Site X is a highly functional, modular catwalk and platform system. With hexagonal platforms and buildings that stack and link together with bridges, stairs and a variety of other add-ons, it’s a very versatile set. There are so many possible configurations that it’s easy to make each game feel fresh and different.

The first wave of add-ons adds a large structure for each terrain set. This wave also includes 3 different pieces of scatter terrain/objectives suitable for either set.

Checkout their KICKSTARTER that’s going on NOW!


Black Site X and Rapid Vanguard Terrain by Death Ray Designs


About this project

Black Site X and Rapid Vanguard are two highly detailed lines of wargaming terrain.  These sets will bring your battles to life and unleash your inner hobbyist.

We plan to use the funds raised during this campaign to buy faster cutting equipment and move into a larger location to get more products cut faster and pursue distribution in local game shops. This will make our products more available, more affordable and faster to ship.

Each line will have it’s own track for freebies and unlockable add-ons. She our Stretch Goal section for more details.

See Add-on’s section below for pricing.

Dimensions per Assembled Item

  • Vertical Access Hub: 10 x 9 x 3.6 in
  • Landing Pad: 11 x 11 x .8 in
  • Drop Crates (6-pack): 35 x 35 x 18 mm
  • Trunks (8-pack): 27 x 16 x 14 mm
  • Pallets (12-pack): 30 x 30 x 4.5 mm

Crashing down from the skies, the Rapid Vanguard form the imposing nerve center of any serious offensive. With fortified bunkers,pillboxes, barracks and HQ, it’s an elegant and effective tool for striking a hammering blow against your enemies.

The Rapid Vanguard line is a beautiful set of multi-layered terrain pushing the limits of what laser-cut scenery can be and how easy and fun it can be to paint.

The Starter Set contains 1 Barracks and 2 Bunker.

The Bundle contains 1 HQ building, 1 barracks, 2 bunkers and 3 pillboxes.  You’ll also get all the Stretch Goal freebies as the campaign gains steam.

Deep in the heart of this abandoned covert facility, you’ll find a nearly infinite maze of walkways and platforms, home to dangerous biological experiments and the most tantalizing pieces of clandestine, super-science intrigue.

Black Site X is a line of highly functional, modular game terrain.  With loads of stacking and interlocking parts, you can build out and up to play your games in 3 dimensions.

The Starter Set contains 3 Hex Hubs, 3 bridges (only 2 shown below) and 1 set of stairs.

The Bundle contains 6 Hex Hubs, 6 Bridges, and 2 sets of stairs, plus 2 XL bridges. You’ll also get all the Stretch Goal freebies as the campaign gains steam.

Pledge today to support this project and get some great terrain!!!!


Black Site X and Rapid Vanguard Terrain by Death Ray Designs