New This Week From The Black Library!

By James Rodriguez | April 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Black Library, Warhammer 40k Rumors

marspatternwarlordtitan-faceplatecloseupThe Black Library new releases are here and there’s a new Warlord Titan novel coming our way. Come find out what’s up for pre-order from the Black Library.

Warlord: Fury of the God Machine (Hardback)

Warlord Royal Format HB



The Battle Titans of the Adeptus Titanicus are towering war engines, striding to war as holy effigies of the Omnissiah. Greatest of all are the mighty Warlord Titans, their weapons bringing righteous death to alien and heretic alike. Still reeling from a near disastrous battle against tyranids, the Pallidus Morr demi-legio is assigned to a new warzone, a nearby forge world which has fallen under the sway of Chaos. Here their battered war-machines must fight alongside another Titan Legion, the Imperial Hunters. As city after city falls before the relentless tread of Chaos war machines, the Imperium’s only chance of victory lies in the two legios putting aside their differences and fighting as one.


It’s what you’ve (maybe) been waiting for: a new novel focusing on the mightiest war machines of the 41st millennium! David Annandale turns his eye for characters to the crew of Battle Titans and tells a truly epic tale of large-scale action.

Written by David Annandale

Imperial Knights: Renegade (ePub) $6.99

Imperial Knights Renegade EPub


Giant war machines duel in the 41st millennium

Guns clatter, missiles fly and chainblades roar when two giant engines of war duel across the battlefields of Tellerax Prime. In such epic confrontations, only one will ultimately walk away. Put yourself at the helm of an Imperial or Renegade Knight and march to battle and glory in Imperial Knights: Renegade.

– The rules of the game
– Reference sheets for Imperial and Renegade Knights
– 3 missions to play
– Additional rules for using the Tau Stormsurge and Eldar Wraithknight
– Full rules for using Renegade Knights in games of Warhammer 40,000

This is an ePub3 file. You will need an ePub3 reader on your device to use it. For more information about these, check out our Formats and Ranges page.

Giant war machines duel in the 41st millennium! Dominating the battlefield with their size and firepower, Imperial Knights are towering bipedal weapons platforms that hold no quarter in eliminating their targets – but like anything else, they are vulnerable to the dark clutches of Chaos. The Freeblade Knight once known as the Living Litany is an unfortunate example; nobody knows what truly happened to this once-valiant hero, only that it has renamed itself Litany of Destruction, and has been leaving a brutal trail of devastation in its wake. The Imperial Knight Ever-Stalwart has made planetfall on Tellerax Prime with one goal in mind – hunt down his fallen brother and restore the honour of the knightly houses, or die trying! The screaming whirr of chainblades and the shriek of missile launchers herald the meeting of two gigantic engines of war on the battlefields of Tellerax Prime. When such powerful machines face off, only one will walk away – put yourself at the controls of an Imperial or Renegade Knight and march to glory!

Warlord: Fury of the God Machine is now available for pre-order, as well as the ePub of Imperial Knights Renegade. Be sure to head on over to Black Library and get your copies today.

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