New Thousand Sons Models SPOTTED!

By Rob Baer | February 6th, 2016 | Categories: Heresy Weekender, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Nebmaetre_Heavy_Support_Squad thousand sons

Before Prospero burned and all was dust, these were the noble Astartes of the XV Legion, the Thousand Sons!

Special thanks to the Battlebunnies who are once again on the floor in Nottingham giving us these great pictures.

Via Battlebunnies 2-6-2016

Firstly are the new shoulder pads above for an Achaen pattern of armour for the Thousand Sons and then the new heads below.

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Wow the new Thousand Sons look GREAT. Can’t wait to see the full line for the XV legion!

There’s a huge showcase of these guys below on the roundup. Be sure to check it out!

Horus Heresy 2016 Weekender Roundup

Click for More Pictures

All will be dust…

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