This is a good week for Adeptus Titanicus players, so don’t miss a first look at the new expansion set, models, and info cards for LotR Hobbit game!
These Adeptus Titanicus and Hobbit releases are coming. Check out the new models for Titanicus, and everything that will be on pre-order for delivery on August 1st!
The Defence of Ryza
Cerastus Knight-Castigators & Acherons
Runelord Brass Spray
Webstore Exclusives
The Defence of Ryza Stratagem Cards
Middle Earth SBG Profile Cards (Good, Evil, Dwarves)
What will you be grabbing out of this release wave? Are you excited about the Titanicus Update?
Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group, and make sure you enter the latest monthly giveaway for FREE today!