NEW TYRANIDS – Picture Dump & Review

By Evan Slagle | November 4th, 2014 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

Hey guys, FTGT Evan back with more leaked pics of the new TYRANIDS kits.

In addition to the Tyrannocyte is the other half of its kit, the Sporocyst, an immobile platform of gribbly nid-ness, and Mucolids, giant spore mines that pack a punch and can assault flyers!

new bugs pics page WD Back cover Tyrannocyte 2WD page 2WD PageTyrannocyte3The alternate version of the drop pod looks to be an immobile Spore Mine factory that can also create one Mucolid mine per game (rules pic below). Additionally, it can boost the range of nearby Synapse creatures by 6″.


Sporocyst 2 The Mucolid is a Spore Mine on Steroids, and can assault a zooming Flyer or Swooping Flying Monstrous Creature. A single Mucolid explodes at S8 AP3 Large Blast, and additional models add to the strength, up to 10. Interestingly, they also appear to take a Troops slot and are shrouded.


Finally, the teasers for the following issue hint at either a revamped Zoanthrope kit or possibly something more sinister? There’s also an indication that we’ll see the new Campaign unveiled. -FTGT

WD42 teaser