Sneaky New Tzeentch Battalion Spotted For AoS!

By James Rodriguez | February 2nd, 2017 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, tzeentch, Warhammer 40k Rumors

Tzeentch’s Start Collecting box is here and just like the other SCB’s it comes with a new battalion. Bird is the word today as we checkout the the new rules for AoS!

Age of Sigmar is about to get a major influx of birds, let’s see what the new Battalion is bringing us.

Start Collecting Tzeentch Battletome

Photo courtesy of Scanner

So you’ll need a unit of Heralds, Flamers, Screamers, Pink Horrors, and Burning Chariots to get this bonus. In the Hero phase you can pick either the Herald of Tzeentch, or another unit from this battalion withing 9″ of them. That unit then gets to cast an additional spell, or make a shooting attack with the unit as if it were the shooting phase.

So why is this so good? Well we know Tzeentch is a magic heavy army, so having the ability to cast an extra spell can be a major advantage. Likewise, if it wouldn’t be as beneficial to cast a spell, you can instead perform an additional shooting attack, allowing for you to wear your enemy down from a distance.

What are your thoughts? Are you going to be starting a Tzeentch army? If so, how would you use this battalion to your advantage?


Get more Tzeentch!?