New Underworlds & AoS Pre-Orders Revealed

new-next-week-chaos-knights-and-kill-team-nachmundThis week it’s new releases for Underworlds, featuring a new season and some bonus Age of Sigmar, hitting pre-orders on October 22nd from GW.

Games Workshop has revealed all the new releases going up for pre-orders this Saturday, October 22nd, at 1 PM Eastern time here in the states.

Warhammer Underworlds Banner

Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood

Gnarlwood starter

A new season of Warhammer Underworlds kicks off with the Gnarlwood boxed set. Set in the ravenous root-halls beneath the hungry forest of Ghur, the new box brings a host of new and updated rules – and two new warbands, the savage Gnarlspirit Pack and the skeletal Sons of Velmorn.

Gnarlwood warbands

You get four full Rivals decks – one for each warband, and two universal decks that can be combined with any Warhammer Underworlds warband. You also get boards, a rulebook, tokens, and dice – it’s everything you need to start playing.

As with every new season starter, this has everything you need to start playing! Whether you are a new or continuing player, this is a perfect way to start off the new season with a friend.

Rivals of Nethermaze

Rivals of Nethermaze

First seen in the Warhammer Underworlds: Nethermaze boxed set, The Shadeborn and Skitershank’s Clawpack are now coming out separately. This kit includes both warbands, plus their Rivals decks, so once you’ve assembled the push-fit miniatures and shuffled your cards, you’re ready to start playing. Can you dominate the root-halls with survivors from the Nethermaze?

It’s a little interesting to re-package the old starter, but still, force you to buy both warbands. At the end of the day, at least these are both sweet sets of models, and it will be cheaper than the whole starter box!

Warhammer Underworlds Card Sleeves

Warhammer Underworlds Card Sleeves

Protect your Warhammer Underworlds cards in the depths of the Gnarlwood from blood, meat trees, and spilt tea with these sleeves. This set includes 15 sleeves for your Objective cards and 30 sleeves for your Power cards – perfect for whether you’re playing Rivals, Nemesis, or Championship format.

Sleeves are a great way to keep your cards in good condition, so these might be decent options if you want to keep things simple and protect your cards.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Direchasm Warbands

Six warbands originally released for Warhammer Underworlds are coming out without their cards, so you can add them to your Warhammer Age of Sigmar army. Grab the Starblood Stalkers for your Seraphon, the Crimson Court for your Soulblight Gravelords, Khagra’s Ravagers for your Slaves to Darkness, Hedkrakka’s Madmob for your Orruk Warclans, Kainan’s Reapers for your Ossiarch Bonereapers, and Elathain’s Soulraid (including should-have-been Miniature of the Year Duinclaw) for your Idoneth Deepkin.

Seraphon Direchasm Warband

Seraphon Direchasm Warband

Soulblight Gravelords Direchasm Warband

Soulblight Direchasm Warband

Slaves to Darkness Direchasm Warband

Warriors of Chaos Direchasm Warband

Orruks Direchasm Warband

Orruk Direchasm Warband

Ossiarch Bonereapers Direchasm Warband

Ossiarch Direchasm Warband

Idoneth Deepkin Direchasm Warband

Idoneth Deepkin Direchasm Warband

The great thing with Warbands for use in AoS is they are all essentially characters and can EASILY stand in as lieutenants or leaders among the squads of similar models in your army!

If you missed the latest few previews from Games Workshop, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Models & Rules Previews

Are you excited about the new Games Workshop Pre-Orders for October 22nd that include Underworlds and Age of Sigmar?

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