New Updated Necrons & Ad Mech Points For 10th Edition 40k

points-warhammer-40k-10th-Edition-newNew Adeptus Mechanicus and Necrons points changes are here for the updated 10th Edition Warhammer 40k codex books!

If you’ve been waiting patiently for updated points for these two factions, now is the time to check out all the changes! The updated Munitorum Field Manual also has all the points for the new enhancements, characters, and models. It seems like the points in the codexes might not be correct, but that has been the norm for the start of the 10th edition—just something to keep in mind when the book gets to you. Let’s jump into all the new points and compare them to the most recent points; that way, you can see the changes for older units.

New Adeptus Mechanicus & Necron 40k Points Changes

The new Warhammer 40k 10th Edition points changes for Adeptus Mechanicus, and Necrons come from Warhammer Community.

10th Edition 40k September Dataslate 9Old Points

Adeptus MEchanicus Points

New Points

To start, there are some minor changes, with Cawl, Sterylizors, and the Archaeopters going down by 5 points. Then, a couple of increases, with Electro-Priests and the Engineseer increasing by 5. So, the points stay more or less the same. However, onto the big stuff! The Skatros come in at 65 points, and from first glance, this seems a little expensive, and they might not see a ton of play until they get a points drop. It just seems like a lot of points for a Lone Operator who can pick off a character every once in a while. But we’ll have to play some games with him first to see. Who knows, maybe he is insanely annoying and good.

adeptus mechanicus clipart 5

Now you can take Dragoons with a Radium as a totally separate datasheet, which just makes sense that they would be cheaper than the Taser Lance option. Overall, the Enhancements align with what we’ve seen so far for other armies. The Necromechanic Enhancement has been talked about a lot, and at 25 points (reduces damage to 0 AFTER a save has failed) will probably see a ton of play! Also, to note here, all the Rad enhancements have changed.

Download The Points Here.

New Necrons 10th Edition 40k Points

10th Edition 40k September Dataslate 29

Old Points

Adeptus MEchanicus Points 2

New Points

The Convergence of Dominion goes way down in points and now has the option to be taken in different numbers. Then the Reanimator, C’Tan, and Lychguard get huge drops in points, with the Warriors going down 10 points. There are also a few small point increases and decreases throughout, but nothing too wild. The new Overlord with Translocation Shroud comes in at 85 points (same as the regular Overlord), Imotekh stays the same, and so does Orikan. Overall, there are some pretty significant point changes, but it looks like the Lychguard is losing some buffs, so the drop makes sense. Again, the enhancements seem pretty standard across all the detachments.

Download The New Necron Point Changes Here

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