New Warhammer 40k Combat Patrol Pre-Orders Announced

new-next-week-40k-space-marines-genericGW revealed next week’s new releases and new Combat Patrols for Grey Knights and Thousand Sons will be hitting pre-orders along with…

Games Workshop just let us in on all the new releases that will be going up for pre-order this coming Saturday at 1 PM Eastern time here in the states.

Now let’s look at next week’s Pre-Order line-up from Warhammer Community.

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Thousand Sons Combat Patrol

Thousand Sons Combat Patrol

The Thousand Sons march to war under the auspices of an Infernal Master, his five Scarab Occult Terminator bodyguards, and more Tzaangors than you can shake a force stave at (20!). While the Tzaangors swarm across the battlefield claiming objectives, the Terminators continue their implacable advance, gunning down foes with inferno combi-bolters and cutting down anyone who gets too close with their khopesh blades.

This combat patrol is packed with iconic Thousand Sons models, in fact, the only real difference is there aren’t Rubric Marines in this box. Either way these usually have great value and this certainly comes with a good start for models.  Here is our article on the value breakdown for the Thousand Sons Combat Patrol.

Grey Knights Combat Patrol

Grey Knights Combat Patrol

If you prefer hunting Daemons rather than making pacts with them, the Grey Knights Combat Patrol features a Librarian in Terminator Armour, five Grey Knights in Terminator Armour, five Grey Knights (which you can build as a Strike Squad, an Interceptor Squad, a Purifier Squad, or a Purgation Squad), and a mighty Nemesis Dreadknight.


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It looks like the Grey Knight’s patrol also has some good models packed in! If you are starting the faction this should be an easy collection starter, the value on the other hand is pretty low, unfortunately.  Click here to see the pricing breakdown on this Combat patrol.

Castellan Crowe

Castellan Crowe

Castellan Crowe wields the legendary Black Blade of Antwyr, a cursed sword that can strike down even the most deadly of foes. You can assemble him with a helmet – or without, so he can look his enemies straight in the eye.

This week is also bringing the two characters from Hexfire, who you can now pick up separately! Crowe has his devastating sword in melee, plus he is a fantastic model to hobby up.

Infernal Master

Infernal Master

The Thousand Sons’ Infernal Master is also available separately for the first time. In game, he’s a powerful psyker who can make pacts with Daemons to bolster your forces, and he comes with a few floaty little friends called tutelaries.

Just like Crowe the Infernal Master is now separately available from Hexfire. For Thousand Sons players, this is great news because he has been seeing quite a bit of play in the top T-Sons lists!

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