New Warhammer Underworlds Pricing & Links

pricing-gnarlwoodHere’s all the pricing and links for the new Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood releases and more from the pre-orders this weekend.

Get those hobby dollars ready if you want any of these new releases from Games Workshop that are up for pre-order right now!

New Warhammer Underworlds & More: Pricing Links

It looks like there were supposed to be some Ogor releases this week, but they were taken off at the last minute, so if you’re not too worried about Underworlds, we might get to some big guy releases next week!

Warhammer Underworlds Banner

Warhammer Underworlds: Gnarlwood Retail Price: $95

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Gnarlwood starter

A new season of Warhammer Underworlds kicks off with the Gnarlwood boxed set. Set in the ravenous root-halls beneath the hungry forest of Ghur, the new box brings a host of new and updated rules – and two new warbands, the savage Gnarlspirit Pack and the skeletal Sons of Velmorn.

Gnarlwood warbands

You get four full Rivals decks – one for each warband, and two universal decks that can be combined with any Warhammer Underworlds warband. You also get boards, a rulebook, tokens, and dice – it’s everything you need to start playing.

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Gnarlwood sprue 4This set contains:

– A complete and concise rulebook for Warhammer Underworlds – reformatted to make getting started even easier. Gnarlwood puts a greater emphasis on Rivals decks, offering new ways to mix up your games and keep things fresh and balanced. The riveting background material moves the game to Ghur, in keeping with current events in the Warhammer Age of Sigmar setting

– The complete Gnarlspirit Pack warband. This group of Darkoath warriors pillage and raid the forest in the name of their patron spirits, led by a shaman-warrior as they live off the land. Quickly assemble your warband with four push-fit models, cast in a ruddy brown to stand out even when unpainted, complete with fighter cards and a full Rivals deck

– The complete Sons of Velmorn warband. These ancient undead nobles once ruled the forest, but now the Wight King Velmorn leads his four skeletal descendants, including the massive Sir Jedran Falseborn. With five push-fit models in an ancient bone colour, plus fighter cards and a pre-made Rivals deck, you’ll be ready to battle at once

– 2 additional universal Rivals decks – Tooth and Claw, and Daring Delvers

– 2 double-sided game boards to represent the sinister root-ridden caverns beneath the slavering gnarloaks

– Warhammer Underworlds tokens, including objectives, wound markers, glory points, and many, many more

– 11 dice – 5 Attack dice, 3 Defence dice and 3 Magic dice, enough for the most devastating blows, desperate defences and cataclysmic spells

Gnarlwood is perfect for getting new players started faster than ever with the streamlined rulebook and additional Rivals decks, and is perfect to bring Warhammer Underworlds veterans up to date for the new season.

This box contains push-fit miniatures which are supplied unpainted and require assembly 

As with every new season starter, this has everything you need to start playing! Whether you are a new or continuing player, this is a perfect way to start off the new season with a friend.

Rivals of Nethermaze Retail Price: $80

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead Games | Bazooka Games | Frontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Rivals of Nethermaze

This set contains:

– The complete Shadeborn warband – Murderous aelven Shadowstalkers that utilise the umbral arts, melting into the shadows and then reappearing to strike down their foes from behind. Quickly assemble your warband with four push-fit models, cast in a deep mauve to stand out even when unpainted, plus fighter cards and a full Rivals deck

– The complete Skittershank’s Clawpack warband – Skaven assassins that exhibit all the cunning and cruelty of the Clans Eshin. With five push-fit models in skulking brown plastic, plus fighter cards and a pre-made Rivals deck

This box contains push-fit miniatures which are supplied unpainted and require assembly

It’s a little interesting to re-package the old starter, but still, force you to buy both warbands. At the end of the day, at least these are both sweet sets of models, and it will be cheaper than the whole starter box!

Warhammer Underworlds Card Sleeves Retail Price: $15

 Click here to get yours for less from these retailers: | Amazon | Dicehead GamesFrontline Gaming | Games Workshop’s Store Link

Warhammer Underworlds Card Sleeves

This set contains 45 card sleeves, consisting of:
– 30x Power Card sleeves with pale blue backs
– 15x Objective Card sleeves with golden backs

Sleeves are a great way to keep your cards in good condition, so these might be decent options if you want to keep things simple and protect your cards.

aos banner age of sigmar logo

Soulblight Gravelords Direchasm Warband $38 (Webstore Only)

Soulblight Direchasm Warband

This multipart plastic kit builds the Crimson Court – a band of bloodthirsty Soulblight vampires, led by Prince Duvalle. This group of unique characters is packed with personality and detail – Prince Duvalle is clad in sinister and ornate armour, his noble features twisted into a fanged sneer as he poses atop a fallen statue, while his three companions are armed with their own weapons – blades and bludgeons bloodied through centuries of battle.

The kit comprises 29 push-fit plastic components, including four integrated scenic bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly 

Seraphon Direchasm Warband $38 (Webstore Only)

Seraphon Direchasm Warband

This multipart plastic kit builds the Starblood Stalkers – a band of cold-blooded Seraphon, led by Kixi-Taka the Diviner. This group of unique characters is packed with personality and detail – Kixi-Taka wields arcane relics that mark him as a true herald of the Old Ones, raising aloft the ancient sphere of the Astrolith Igniter, while his followers include a roaring Saurus Oldblood, a trio of Skink Warriors wielding a spear, blowpipe, and moonstone club, and a stealthy Chameleon Skink perched atop a branch.

The kit comprises 28 push-fit plastic components, including six integrated scenic bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Slaves to Darkness Direchasm Warband $38 (Webstore Only)

Warriors of Chaos Direchasm Warband

This multipart plastic kit builds Khagra’s Ravagers – a band of ambitious Chaos Warriors, led by Khagra the Usurper and accompanied by the sorcerer Zarshia Bittersoul. This group of unique characters is packed with personality and detail – Khagra raises her daemonbound mace in a commanding pose, hair and cape billowing in the wind, while her horned sister conjures magical flames into her palm, and their two Chaos Warrior companions heft ensorcelled blades.

The kit comprises 21 push-fit plastic components, including four integrated scenic bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Orruks Direchasm Warband $38 (Webstore Only)

Orruk Direchasm Warband

This multipart plastic kit builds Hedkrakka’s Madmob – a band of savage Bonesplitterz, led by Hedkrakka the Gob of Gork. This group of unique characters is packed with personality and detail – Hedkrakka’s mystical Gobby mask strikes fear into his foes, almost as much as the pet squiggly snake twisting around his shoulders, while his Madmob includes a trio of burly orruks draped with trophies from their kills, armed with a stinga bow, big chompa axe, and twin toofdaggas.

The kit comprises 24 push-fit plastic components, including four integrated scenic bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Ossiarch Bonereapers Direchasm Warband $38 (Webstore Only)

Ossiarch Direchasm Warband

This multipart plastic kit builds Kainan’s Reapers – a band of darkly efficient Ossiarch enforcers, led by Mir Kainan. This group of unique characters is packed with personality and detail – Kainan looms over his minions, an osseous goliath draped in flayed skin and hefting his sinister Soulreaper axe, while his heralds include five Mortek Guard armed with a variety of nadirite weapons, from clubs and blades to a deadly bone-limbed bow.

The kit comprises 23 push-fit plastic components, including six integrated scenic bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

Idoneth Deepkin Direchasm Warband $38 (Webstore Only)

Idoneth Deepkin Direchasm Warband

This multipart plastic kit builds Elathain’s Soulraid – a band of disparate outcasts and tamed beasts, led by Elathain Ill-fated. This group of unique characters is packed with personality and detail – Elathain is garbed in the ritual vestments of an Isharann Soulrender, wielding his hooked talúnsickle with a mystical soulnet, while his escort includes a nobly-armed Akhelian knight, a Namarti thrall ready to hurl his riptide harpoon, and two deep-dwelling creatures.

The kit comprises 25 push-fit plastic components, including five integrated scenic bases. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly

The great thing with Warbands for use in AoS is they are all essentially characters and can EASILY stand in as lieutenants or leaders among the squads of similar models in your army!

If you missed the latest few previews from GW, get all caught up with our coverage below:

Here’s the most up-to-date list of new Games Workshop bits from preview models that we should watch for. Click on the gallery above to see dozens of Rumor Engines with new models still left to be revealed!

All the Newest GW Model & Rules Previews

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