NEW Warscroll REVEALED – Stormclad Eternals Judicators

By Rob Baer | July 21st, 2015 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

age of sigmar stormcast models

Sigmar’s arrows are finally here. Checkout the new Judicators Warscroll that’s available NOW!


via the Age of Sigmar App (iTunes)

It looks like the App already has the rules for this weeks’s newest addition to the Stormclad Eternal arsenal.

Behold the Judicators, and on Sigmars’ command let fly!



Based on those rules, it looks like the kit will come with all 4 weapon options.  It’s nice see the emergence of the “special weapon” options and ratios for squads.  A little closer to 40K with each release. Hmmm…

I’m sure those flying dudes with the spears are coming up next.

~Have at it.

Checkout the full release line up below

Age of Sigmar Roundup


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