New Warscrolls & Battalions Spotted for Age of Sigmar

By Rob Baer | December 22nd, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Come see the brand new warscrolls and battalions that were just spotted for Age of Sigmar, and something a little more curious for the game!

Spire of Dawn is releasing this week and one lucky hobbyist posted up pictures of some of the new rules


Is the 2016 reprint with round bases (and square) for the 8th Edition Island of Blood Stater, and is a fantastic value for the amount of models you get!

island of blood spire of dawn

Here’s what it comes with:

This boxed game contains: more than 70 finely-detailed Citadel miniatures, forming two plastic armies: High Elves (a High Elf Prince on Griffon, a High Elf Mage, 10 High Elf Lothern Sea Guard, 10 High Elf Sword Masters of Hoeth and five Ellyrian Reavers) and Skaven (a Skaven Warlord, a Skaven Warlock Engineer, 40 Skaven Clanrats, a Skaven Master Moulder, two Skaven Rat Ogres, a Skaven Warpfire Thrower, and a Skaven Poisoned Wind Mortar). All 74 models are exclusive to this box.

Which explains some of these new rules that were just spotted:


The obligatory one of everything battalion, helps protect battlelines and objective grabs.img_0185-copy

And the Skaven version of said obligatory one of everything battalion. This one is a clever, clever way to protect battlelines and objective grabs.


Looks like there is a new sheriff in Aelf land. Same points as the old version in the Generals Handbook. 


Speaking of Generals Handbook, the points for these models look like they were included in the box as well. We know the Tzeentch book will feature the point values for all units as well. Is this the new battletome points format going forward?

Looks like some great new rules for Both Aelfs and Skaven are on the way this holiday season. Be sure to check back for our first look review this weekend, and of course this box on store shelves as well.


Year of Tzeentch Roundup