New Wave 2 Genestealer & Space Marines Pricing SPOTTED

By Rob Baer | September 26th, 2016 | Categories: Genestealer Cults, Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

goliath tanks genestealer cult truck

Checkout all the new prices for Genestealer Cults including the mighty Goliath TRUCK, and a Space Marine surprise that look to be coming next week!

Here are all the new prices that are swirling around Facebook this morning for Wave 2 Genestealer Cult and a surprise Space Marine release as well

Okay so some of these units we can see in the WD images below, but I would still add your NaCL to taste:


Source: Grot Orderly

Genestealer Cults: Goliath / Rockgrinder – 35GBP
Neophyte Hybrid Squad – 25GBP
Genestealer Cults: Broodcoven – 37GBP
Genestealer Cults: Acolyte Iconward – 15GBP
Space Marines: Srike Force Ultima* – 150GBP
Battle Mat: City Ruins** – 50GBP

*the box contains:
1x Drop Pod
1x  Land Raider
1x Razorback
1x Stormhawk Interceptor
1x Terminator Captain
5x Sternguard Veterans
5x Terminators
10x Tactical Marines

4’x4′ city fight / kill team kind of mat with ruins on it!

Genestealer Rumor Roundup

The Story Thus Far:

New pictures this morning from October’s White Dwarf. Checkout all the new Genestealer kits for this week that will be on the way soon, plus a new genestealer upgrade sprue to make it rain purple!

Source: Dakka

White Dwarf octubre iconward y armoured claw IMG_0110 IMG_0109

White Dwarf octubre matriz neofitos genestealer

Checkout the close-ups below on our roundup!

Looks like GW actively wants us to kit bash these guys with Guard!

Source B&C

White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 3

White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 1

The Weapons of the Cults

Codex Culto Genestealer ipad-2 Codex Culto Genestealer ipad-1 Cultos Genestealer armas pesadas

Source: Kliener Garygoyle

Der Symbiontenkult bedient sich der Feuerkraft der Imperialen Armee. Gliedert das Astra Militarum in euren Kult ein!

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

The Symbiontenkult uses the firepower of the Imperial Guard. Divided the Astra Militarum in your cult a!

Best regards


goliath tanks genestealer cult truck

goliath tanks genestealer cult truck

Behold the Goliath from Dakka

White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 4White Dwarf octubre Culto Genestealer 2

Checkout the rest of the images that are flying around Facebook today:

UPDATE: These pictures look to be from a preview of the Codex Genestealer Enhanced Edition (which currently is time locked to North America)


Here’s the larger cropped images that are going around Facebook:

genestaler cult vehicle limogenestaler cult vehicle limo

Looks like there are several versions of the the vehicle that everyone has dubbed “the limo”. One seems to have drilling augurs on the front dozer. One seems to be an open topped transport, and one has an armored top with some sort of heavy weapon.

More as we know it folks, this kit is quickly turning into a fan favorite and we don’t even know it’s name yet.

Genestealer Rumor Roundup