Come see the new Fyreslayer Magmadoths, warscrolls and more for the stunty Duardins plus a little teaser for next week.
The new White Dwarf is here, and it is JAM PACKED with new rules for the Duardins, and their trusty lava beasts the Magmadroths. Plus a new paint splatter will help you make short work of getting the big new model ready for the table top as well.
This issue also features a new showcase on the Astra Militarum starter army from a few weeks ago, plus the normal list of new releases, studio updates and teasers.
White Dwarf #103 $4
Hot off the press comes White Dwarf 103 – fire, flame and ferocity as the mighty Magmadroth joins the ranks of the Fyreslayers, astride it the Auric Runefather, Runesmiter and Runeson! We’ve got the complete lowdown on these new duardin heroes and their monstrous mount, including Paint Splatter, full warscrolls (including for the heroes on foot!) and even more in The Week in White Dwarf. Not only that, but there’s also a new battletome, Order Battletome: Fyreslayers, available this week and we take a first look, plus there’s the latest from Black Library and Forge World, a look at starting your own Astra Militarum army in Hammer of Terra and more. Grab one now.
Checkout it all out below in our first look video review!
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