New Wizard’s Workshop Bits From Kromlech!

Wizard's Workshop rThe Wizard’s Workshop preview from Kromlech will let you build up some awesome extras for your fantasy games in no time!

Kromlech is always putting out some of the coolest alternative minis, terrain, and bits on the market! If you haven’t checked them out before, they are definitely worth looking into. This time though, we’ll be focusing on a new release that will have almost a dozen pieces! They will be perfect for any fantasy game or RPG to really add that extra layer of depth! 

This was a preview of what is to come, but the bits are here now along with their most recent releases of terrain here!

They have tons of bits that are perfect for 40k and fantasy, so even if these aren’t up your alley, they probably have something else you would love. So go check out their site after you see this awesome preview. 

Wizard’s Workshop Preview From Kromlech!

Obviously, this is all about wizards, and the insane things they would probably have in their rooms! If you love what Kromlech is up to, check out everything else they have been releasing here as well!

Wizard's Workshop 2Every great wizard needs a good desk!

Wizard's Workshop 3They really added a lot of detail to every piece.

Wizard's Workshop 4For whatever reason, this is just such a cool piece and allows you so many fun painting options of what the wizard has been working on.

Wizard's Workshop 5Again, no wizard worth their salt wouldn’t have books all over the place.

Wizard's Workshop 6Maybe the more expensive books actually make it to the shelf.

Wizard's Workshop 7This might be our favorite piece as you can show off the conquests of your wizard!

That does it for this one, now go get some awesome terrain bits!

Get Your Kromlech Terrain & Bits Here!