New Wulfen & Daemons Issue – WD 106

By Rob Baer | February 8th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

wulfen walpaper

Come see all the new Wulfen and Chaos Daemons art, rules and more in this week’s White Dwarf.

The new White Dwarf is here, and it is JAM PACKED with new rules and teasers for both the new Wulfen, and their Chaotic enemies the Daemons!  Plus a new paint splatter will help you make short work of getting those new Wulfen ready for the table top as well.

White Dwarf #106 $4


This week, White Dwarf is brimming with Space Wolves – we bring you the Wulfen, proud and savage warriors whose bodies and minds have succumbed to the effects of the Canis Helix, mutated and twisted into a bizarre combination of elite genetically engineered superhuman and feral, bitesome wolf. Loping into battle with fierce predatory instincts and sharpened claws, they hack and rend and snarl with unabated fury. White Dwarf 106 is out tomorrow in Games Workshop stores, independent stockists and right here on the Games Workshop web store.

Also in this issue:
• A complete stage-by-stage painting guide for the Wulfen in Paint Splatter.
• A lingering look at the incredible artwork to be found in War Zone Fenris: Curse of the Wulfen.
• We induct another classic Citadel miniature into the Hall of Fame – it’s an old/new favourite…
• Rules for the Space Wolves Wulfen.
• The Week in White Dwarf extols the virtues of the Wolf Lords, and has a look at a Mastodon’s innards. Yes, really.

White Dwarf is also available as a digital download for iOS and Android devices through the White Dwarf App, while Warhammer Visions is available to download for iPad and Apple computers through the Warhammer Visions App (links to the right). You can subscribe to the physical, paper editions of White Dwarf and Warhammer Visions using the links to the left.

Checkout it all out below in our first look video review!

New Wulfen & Daemons REVEALED – WD 106

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