7 New Model Releases Teased For Warhammer 40k & More

rumor engine primaris wal hor pdf download warhammer communityIt’s not all Space Marines! Don’t miss 7 new model releases that were just teased for Warhammer 40k and more from the GW New Years Day Preview!

It’s time for another online GW Preview for all things Warhammer! Here are the latest reveals from the special New Years Day preview on Warhammer Community!

7 New Model Releases Teased For Warhammer 40k & More

Within the video above, there are over 7, possibly 8, new models. We don’t get a full look at any of the models, however, we do get glimpses! Let’s look at each of them.

titanicus model


The first set of images are of what appears to be a knight, but with the supporting images, it’s probably a Titanicus model with at least one large plasma weapon in its right hand.

The top deck with shoulder cannon armor plates also adds the idea it may be a Nemesis class titan, but just what if its actually a dreaded Imperator… that would be something!

The next shot of the titan is of one of the weapons, two giant barrels on plasma. It’s hard to make out if this is a different weapon than that of the first shot, but it may just be dual plasma weapons for both arms.

The next model you may recognize from a teaser earlier in 2020. It’s interesting that they chose to use it again, and even the exact same shots.

Of course, the model is very clearly an Adeptus Mechanicus model, however, there aren’t any details that offer a scale or other ideas.

The next model looks like a Lumineth character standing on top of a cloud.

A different angle shows off the stance and the mace the character is holding. The cloud also has a unique parallel to the flying nimbus seen in Dragonball, Chinese Mythology, and more. Is the cloud moving like a mount, or is it still serving as a platform?

Lumineth was lucky enough to get 2 models shown off. The second model looks like a new cavalry model. The animal seems especially furry, maybe something similar to a llama, or maybe a Chocobo!

The other side doesn’t add anything, but is in a better light, so it’s easier to see some of the details.

The shot is a new character that originally was shown in the Rumor Engine Advent Callendar on day 16. Now with the body added, we see large wooden spikes, heavily illuding that this character is a form of vampire or beast hunter. It is very likely going to be a new AoS model.

As the model turns, we can see a huge haft of a polearm or sheath for a large weapon.

This shield is very detailed, however, it’s hard to really get anything about the model other than it is wearing a red cloak.

The next shot is of a tattered cloak, which coincidently is also red. However, it’s hard to tell if the shield was a part of this model or a different one entirely.

Finishing up the model we see it is a new Orc model for what is assumed to be AoS. There is a clear long white beard, which you may know is very odd/unique for Orcs. This is most likely a new named character coming to Orcs/Orruks in AoS, potentially with a much-needed update.

Are you excited about any of these models? Do you have any ideas about what they might be?

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