Next Free Mini & Coin Revealed: Lumineth Realm-lords

free-from-gwGW revealed the next free mini and coin will be for the Lumineth Realm-lords, check out how you can score yours!

Today on Warhammer Community, they showed off the latest coin/mini in the ongoing promotion for March.  Let’s check out what all is going on at their stores this month:

lumineth realm-lords wal

Next Free Mini & Coin Revealed: Lumineth Realm-lords

Here’s a quick look back at the three previous coins, and of course that first tease of the Lumineth one as well.

february free models and coin

The February coin coincided with the big release of all the Hedonites stuff as well as a free Daemonette. Looks like we’ll be getting back-to-back months for Aos since the 40k releases have been so delayed.

NEw Collectable coinThis was the Death Guard coin, which was shown back in November. You have to spend over $100 to add any of the coins to your collection. It kind of sucked for DG players, because you couldn’t spend any of that hundred on new minis since they weren’t out yet!

Hedonites of Slaanesh coinYou couldn’t see too much of the actual Hedonites coin, back in November, but it was obvious to tell what it was. So, even though we saw an Ork coin in the wild, that is seeming very far off now. With the Dark Eldar, and then Ad Mech getting the next most probable releases, and we’re not even sure either of them is getting a coin for sure.

This also changes what we thought before, that they would be doing one AoS then one 40k. Looks like whatever is coming out will get the free mini and coin. We have seen (in order of appearance) Daughters of Khaine, then Death Guard, Hedonites, and now Lumineth Realm Lords. We could still see Ad Mech get the next coin, but with all the slowdowns it’s extremely hard to tell.

Lumineth Realm Lords Coin & Mini

Lumineth Free miniThe free mini is going to be from the Vanari Auralan Wardens box, so this isn’t necessarily the mini you will be getting. They just build up a bunch of them and hand them out for free, you don’t have to purchase anything.

Just go into your GW store and ask for one, if they have any left, you should get one.

Lumineth coin promotionFor this coin, like all of them, you have to spend $100 to get it. Unfortunately, a $100 bill won’t quite grab the collectors box set for them yet, but you’ll be getting close!

Check Out all the Lumineth Realm-lords Previews Here!

Are you excited about the new promotion? Will you be trying to grab one?

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