Nightvault Warband: Stormsire’s Cursebreakers Preview

By Wesley Floyd | September 18th, 2018 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors, Warhammer Underworlds

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The second half of the Nightvault preview is finally here. Take a look at Stormsire’s Cursebreakers and the latest mechanics coming to the game.

Warhammer Community dropped the second half of the Nightvault preview today showing off the latest Stormcast Eternal Warband: Stormsires Cursebreakers. Check out their stats and card tricks!

Don’t forget to check out our preview on the Thorns of the Briar Queen Warband coming to Nightvault.

Stormsire’s Warband

stormsire 1

The coolest thing about this Warband is that they’re all casters. They still have the traditional low-model count, but you’ll be able to fling spells around like crazy. All of the characters in the Warband have to cast a spell to become inspired. Averon gets an extra defense die and his spell packs more of a punch.

stormsire 2

Dawnguard empowers herself instead of launching a spell. Once she becomes inspired, she’s a lot harder to kill. She still only rolls one die on defense, but counts evades and shields as successes.

stormsire 3

This guy is another buffer. He can make himself hit better, harder, and count evades and shields as successes on the defense die.

Just looking at the cards of the Warband, there’s a definite theme here. They are going to be able to do decent damage and be extremely hard to kill. They don’t quite hit as hard as some of the characters from the Shadespire Warband, but they don’t fall down as easy either.

Stormsire’s Cards

stormsire card 1

SCATTER DICE ARE BACK…well, sort of. Chain lightning has a scatter effect and to show where the lightning is going, you’ll need to place a special template in front of the caster.

scatter template

roll dice to see where the chain of lightning arcs and if it actually hits any enemies. In this case, the spell has Scatter 3. You’ll roll three dice for the spell and see if it goes where you want it to.

stormsire card 2

Disarming Blow can smack the enemies upgrades right out of their hand and make them even less likely to kill your boys (and girl).

Now, how many times have you been frustrated because you left an enemy model with one wound remaining and then it never seems to die? Well, Lightning Whip can help get rid of that. You can do one extra damage that you don’t even need to roll for. It can be just enough to get over the hump of killing someone.

Nightvault is looking up to be an exciting revamp of an older game with brand new mechanics. We’ve covered Thorns of the Briar Queen and Stormsire’s Cursebreakers already. What factions do you think we will see next? Which Warband are you wanting to play?

Let us know in the comments of our Facebook Hobby Group. 

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