Stop Guessing Magnet Sizes: Calipers Are Your Solution

calipers featureIf you’re not sure of the exact size of magnets to use, all you need to do is grab some calipers from the Magnet Baron to know for sure!

The Magnet Baron regularly comes out with some of the best accessories for all tabletop gaming! It often focuses on magnets, but if you want to future-proof your minis and keep them safe and stored easily, you must check them out.

This time, they focus on people who are just getting into magnetizing (or might need new ones). These are a fairly cheap and easy solution to ensure all your magnets are the correct size and take out the guesswork of what you need for what part! We’ll also look at the starter bundle if you want these and everything else you need to future-proof your minis!

Calipers From the Magnet Baron: $19.99

We get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!

calipersWhile there are other methods, none are as easy as this, and that’s not the only feature!

calipers 2Plus, these can be used for more than just hobbying, but who needs that?

calipers 3Here are the specs on these:

Need help to figure out what size magnet you need?

Calipers can help you measure both the inside and outside dimensions of a part.

Magnetization Starter Bundle: $49.99

Magnetization Starter BundleThis is just a great way to get into magnetizing without much hassle. Sometimes it’s hard to know everything you need; wonder no longer; buy this set! Here are the specs on this one:

  • Start your magnetization journey here with this complete magnetization tool kit.
  • All of the magnets, drills, and tools for you to learn how to magnetize like a pro.
  • Rare Earth magnets are the strongest magnets in the world. These magnets have pulled several times their weight.
  • Magnicators (Blue/Red +/- polarity sticks)
  • Large Pin Vise fitting drill bits from 0.5mm-8mm (1/64″-5/16″)
  • Small Drill Bit Bundle: 1mm, 1.5mm, 2mm, 2.5mm, and 3mm drill bits.
  • Medium Drill Bit Bundle: 4mm, 5mm, 6mm
  • Maxi-Cure 1/2oz superglue

Here are all the magnets you get in this starter set:

  • 2x1mm (1/16″x1/32″)
  • 3x2mm (1/8″x1/16″)
  • 4x2mm (5/32″x1/16″)
  • 5x2mm (3/16″x1/16″)
  • 6x1mm (1/4″x1/16″)
  • 4.5×2.2mm Medium Flush-Fits
  • 4.5×2.6mm Medium Thick Flush-Fits
  • 6×2.6mm Large Thick Flush-Fits

If you love what the Magnet Baron is up to, check out what other products they have released here! That does it for this one; now stop looking and get new magnets for your collection!

Click Here to Get Your Magnets!

We get all our magnets for hobbying from The Magnet Baron. Use coupon code Spikey10off to get 10% off your next order with them!