It’s Official, GW Confirms New Chaos Thousand Sons

By Rob Baer | November 19th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors

thousand sons

Games Workshop confirmed the brand new Chaos releases for the Thousand Sons have been spotted Friday, but they are still mum on the supplement!

These pictures are doing the rounds on the Internet and social media and look to be pretty authentic. They appear to have been first seen on the Space Wolves Facebook Group.

Chaos, is indeed back!

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Games Workshop just posted up some new pictures, and gave a few tantilizing details of the new releases early Saturday Morning:

It seems like 10,000 years since we’ve seen a new multipart plastic kit for one of the Chaos Space Marine Legions, but the wait has been worth it. The new models are phenomenal – dripping in detail reminiscent of the ancient cultures and sorceries of lost Prospero.

Gamers amongst you will notice some new weapons on there too: flamers and heavy weapons alongside the better known bolters. I know what you’re thinking, do they have awesome new rules? They totally do.


Woah! new Terminators? Rubric Marines we were perhaps expecting, but this is a welcome surprise. The Scarab Occult are the Legion elite, clad in armour with hints of the Tartarus pattern armour of ages past (like in the Burning of Prospero box! See what we did there?)


And these guys! Tzaangors, who we’ve previously seen prowling the Silver Towers of the Mortal Realms, make their Warhammer 40,000 debut. Thousand Sons are an elite force, so the option to have a horde of… more expendable warriors to soak up a bit of enemy fire will, we’re sure, be welcomed by Tzeentchian generals.


And of course, the Sorcerers themselves: each more powerful than any weak-blooded Librarian of the Space Marines Chapters, steeped in 10,000 years of arcane lore and blessed by the master of Fate himself.

The models are impressive indeed. Where the Rubric Marines have remained untouched by Tzeentch’s warping power, the same is not true of his true champions. The Exalted Sorcerers exhibit a range of strange avian mutations, making them stand out from the ashen-automata of the wider Legion.

And that still isn’t all.

We’ll be back later today with a close-up look at the new Ahriman model…

So what we know right now:

  • Five new kits are on the way for Chaos and the new Wrath of Magnus Supplement.
  • Judging by the Magnus teaser on Friday and the lack of pre-orders on GW’s site, these models will go on sale November 25th.
  • The Thousand Sons have access to some sort of Rotor weapon for both their Terminators and Power Armored marines
  • New hobby supplies ensure everyone can get armies up and running in no time!

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