Orc Paint Toppers Bring Out the True Contrast Color!

Orc Paint Toppers featureIf you want a cool way to see what Citadel Contrast paints look like on models, these new Orc paint toppers are the way to go!

Usually, Victoria Miniatures does big kits, but this time, they bring us something totally different! These are great if you want a quick reference to see how paints look on miniatures (and these fit perfectly with GW paints). Plus, they make your paint bottles look that much cooler. You can get both STLs and resin versions; that way, if you have a printer, you can just print out as many as you need. 

Physical Orc Contrast Paint Pot Topper Swatch x10: $7.99 (Sale Price)

Orc Paint ToppersThey designed these to fit on without glue; all you have to do is paint it with the color you want and then pop it onto the bottle! This also lets you pick your color in a few seconds instead of trying to remember the name or test it out.

Orc Paint Toppers 2

Fits Games Workshop Citadel paint pots. Simply snap on, no glue required. just undercoat, paint and pop them on.
These characterful toppers are a great way to pick you colors at a glance. The sculpted detail is especially designed to demonstrate of the qualities of your shade and contrast paints.

Orc Paint Toppers 3

High resolution 3D print. This is a physical product.

Orc Paint Pot Topper Swatch .STL: $4.99

Orc Paint Toppers 4If you have a printer, this is a super cheap option, as you can print out as many as you need and cover your entire collection! However, if you use dropper bottles, they also have toppers for those bottles as well.

Orc Paint Toppers 5

Orc Paint Pot Topper Swatch .STL download for home printing. Includes supported and unsupported file.

Fits Games Workshop Citadel paint pots. Simply snap on, no glue required. just spray with your usual undercoat, paint them with your Citadel color and pop them on.
These characterful toppers are a great way to pick you colors at a glance. The sculpted detail is especially designed to demonstrate of the qualities of your shade and contrast paints.

We use paint toppers at the Spikey Bits headquarters, and they make painting much easier without having to memorize your paint colors.

Click Here to Get Your Contrast Paint Toppers!