Orcs & Goblins Army Arrives for Warhammer Old World

WAAAGH! A new Orcs & Goblins Army Battalion Box, two heroes, and many returning kits are incoming for Warhammer the Old World!

Great news! You can now play massive armies of Greenskins in fantasy once again. Plus, a wide range of plastic, metal, and resin kits will be available for returning players. Additionally, two new heroes will be joining the army. While the rules for Warhammer the Old World will not be included in this army box will not be included, their new Ravening Hordes book will be released alongside these Orcs and Goblins releases.

Orcs & Goblins Army Box Arrives for Warhammer Old World

Here is the latest for the new Orcs and Goblins releases, including the Army Battalion Box Set for Warhammer The Old World, along with the order schedule of what will be normal stock and what will be Made To Order (MTO).

Orcs & Goblins Army Box

The Orc and Goblin Tribes are launching with a massive battalion box alongside an Arcane Journal. The former contains 73 plastic miniatures – two Orc Boar Chariots, 31 Orc Boyz (including a champion, a musician, and a standard bearer), and 40 Goblins with command upgrades of their own. 

Each of these classic kits has options aplenty – there are lots of different heads and shield patterns, while the Orcs can have hand weapons or spears to go with their shields, and the Goblins can be armed with shortbows or spears and shields

This has plenty of Greenskins in it, and if you grab a couple of these, you’ll have over 60 Orcs! However, keep in mind, this is more like a Vanguard box, not like the Army Launch boxes we saw before, as these don’t have rules inside. Their rules will be in the Ravening Hordes book, and there will also be an Arcane Journal for more rules, lore, and such about the Orcs and Goblins!

Orcs & Goblins Army Battalion Box Value is Pretty Shocking

orcs & goblins warhammer the old world battalion box setDon’t miss the latest value and pricing that we may see in the new Orcs & Goblins Army Battalion Box for Warhammer the Old World. Read More Here.

New Arcane Journal

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The Arcane Journal expands on that army list with plenty of lore, maps, and iconography, as well as two new special characters, two Armies of Infamy – the Nomadic Waaagh! and the Troll Horde – and a green fistful of extra rules to use in your armies, including magic items, spells, and units like the Troll Hag.

If you want more spells, armies of renown, and lore, this will be a great pickup.

New Orcs & Goblins Characters

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There are two fabulous new models for the Orc and Goblin Tribes: a fearsome Black Orc Warboss brandishing a great weapon, and the deeply weird Orc Shaman Ogdruz Swampdigga – a new named character found in the Arcane Journal. Both are cast in Forge World resin.


Orcs & Goblins Army Box 4There will be only two new characters this time, but we’re sure they will eventually get more. Just keep in mind that these will be resin.

Returning Orcs & Goblins Army Plastic Kits

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There are plenty of returning plastic kits from the most recent era of Warhammer Fantasy Battle. These are all exactly as you remember them, but in the main, they’ll be sold in larger numbers per box than they were before.

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These are the Orc Bosses, the Orc Boyz Mob, the Orc Boyz and Arrer Boyz Mob, the Orc Boar Boyz Mob, the Orc Boar Chariots, and the Black Orc Boyz Mob – plus the Goblin Mob, Night Goblin Mob, and Goblin Wolf Rider Mob, who are coming a little later.

Orcs & Goblins Army Box 7It’s good to know more kits will be released with more minis inside each box than before.

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Orcs & Goblins Army Box 10Don’t worry; there will be plenty more than this at the launch, but it will be metal and resin.

Returning Resin Kits

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Several kits are returning in Forge World resin – these Orc and Goblin Command Sets will also be joined by the Troll Hag and Bonegrinder Giant. 

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Certain other miniatures have been remastered and are changing medium from metal to Forge World resin – the Orc Warboss on Wyvern and the Orc and Goblin Giant. 

Having more resin is a plus over metal kits, however there will still be metal kits in the new lineup.

Returning Metal Kits

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A real green tide is returning in metal, however. The Goblin Shamans, Bosses, Nasty Skulkers, and the Rock Lobber above will be joined by the following other miniature packs:

  • Goblin Bosses
  • Goblin Wolf Rider Bosses
  • Goblin Bolt Throwa
  • Goblin Doom Diver Catapult
  • Goblin Wolf Chariot
  • Orc Shaman
  • Orc Shamans
  • Orc Big ‘Uns
  • Orc Big ‘Uns Command
  • Snotling Swarms
  • Snotling Pump Wagon
  • Common Trolls
  • Classic Ogres

If you don’t have any of the older kits, they will still be available, but a lot will be in metal.


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On top of all that, there’ll be a hand-curated selection of Made to Order Orcs and Trolls for the true connoisseurs, including none other than the fabled Marauder Giant – who, like all the others in this tranche, is returning in metal.

Alongside him, there’s the Orc Shaman on War Wyvern from 1993, two sets of classic Stone Trolls, the classic River Trolls, and the Black Orc Big Boss with Axe and Shield. 

MTO is a decent way to get older miniatures. However, it will take up to 180 days to get your order.

In summary, the Orcs & Goblins Army Battalion Box and several returning plastic, metal, and resin kits are incoming for Warhammer The Old World. Players can now play massive armies of Greenskins in fantasy once again, with a wide range of kits available. Overall, this is great news for Warhammer players who have been waiting for the return of the Orcs & Goblins army.

All the Latest Warhammer Rules & Model Rumors

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