Orks & BA 40k Armies Finished Well at Motor City Mayhem

40k-army-lists-freshThe Motor City Mayhem happened over the weekend, with some pretty sweet 40k army lists making it to the top!

Competitive 40k hasn’t been great in recent memory depending on who you ask.

As such, the top overall players were a lot of the same stagnant meta that has hung over tournaments lately, like the ghost of the Knight Castellan, so we’re featuring some of the more unique lists that placed high instead!

Motor City Mayhem: Fresh 40k Army Lists

Thanks to Best Coast Pairings we are able to look back at the event as if we were there ourselves. You can check out event details here.

If you wanted to see the names and factions of the overall winners, we’ve included that below.

Motor City Mayhem Warhammer 40k top 8

Side note: Joel Wilson got second place with a pretty standard nid list, but his path to second was incredible!  He single-handedly beat the AoW players in attendance and ended up only losing by 2 points in the final. We aren’t covering his list, but know that he ain’t no joke!

Man has some great competitive 40k chops and is a great sport as well.

8th Place:  Joe Rammuni – Ork

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Joe Rammuni 1


Joe Rammuni 2


Joe Rammuni 3


7th Place:  Brad Chester – Aeldari

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Brad Chester 1


Brad Chester 2


Brad Chester 3


Brad Chester 4


6th Place:  Sam Procopio – Blood Angels

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Sam Procopio 1

Sam did pretty well even into the top 8 cut with his Blood Angels battalion led by a Chapter Master, Librarian, and a Sanguinary Priest. Thanks to his jump pack, the Chapter Master provides re-rolls on a decent body and great mobility. The Librarian provides some psychic support and the Priest offers up some extra support like healing and a 6-up FNP to nearby units.

Troops start off with 10 Incursors and end with 5 Intercessors all of which are decent bodies that are great for sitting on objectives or just sending a few extra bolter rounds downrange.

Sam Procopio 2

Elites bring in an Aggressor Squad with some decent blast shots to help clear out the chaff. There are also 5 Jump Pack Death Company Marines with 3 Thunder hammers and 2 chainswords, which act as some very deadly melee threats if not dealt with before the inevitable charge. There are also a total of 19 Sanguinary Guard which are fantastic all-around units with good melee and shooting.

Sam Procopio 3Elites close with a 5 man scout squad for a few more cheap bodies that can sit on a remote objective.

Heavy Support brings in a 3-man Eradicator Squad, arguably one of the best-dedicated anti-armor ranged units available to space marines.

Finally, the list ends with a Storm Land Speeder to round out points and add in one last touch of mobility.

Click Here For More Top Warhammer Army Lists

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