Ossiarch Mortek Guard are Nagash’s Latest Horde

bonereapers ossiarch wal horThe Ossiarch Mortek Guard may be a common sight in the army, but that doesn’t make them any less deadly or scary!

The Bonereapers are known for their wild creations and vast ambition. The Mortek Guard are a perfect example of what they can do with once dead matter. Get out your biggest spear and let’s learn about some lore!

In the World

Ossiarch Bonereapers armyThe Ossiarch Bonereapers were made ages ago with one singular purpose by Nagash, conquest and war. Following the Necroquake they were unleashed upon the Mortal Realms. From monstrous hulking creatures like the Gothizzar Harvesters to the vast legions of Mortek Guard. The Mortek Guard are the main frontline regiments the Ossiarch Bonereapers use in their conquests. These powerful warriors are made from pure bone and armed with Nadirite weapons powerful enough to create an unbreakable wall. Breaking ranks and fleeing simply does not exist in their minds for their sole purpose is to follow their leaders into the slaughter.

The Mortek Guard might appear as the usual unthinking skeletons found throughout the Realms. Who do nothing but follow commands given to them in perfect unison. The Mortek Guard are indeed extremely proficient in working as one while following commands to the letter, but they have a spark of individuality in their skulls. In battle their lords can command them to either work as one greater mass, fighting together and marching in perfect sync. However, they can also be commanded to act on their own, thinking based on instinct and skill. Often breaking formation while still staying close to each other. This makes the Mortek Guard uniquely versatile in their application.

Of course, this makes the Mortek Guard extremely dangerous in battle. The mere sight of these skeletal legions is probably enough to strike fear and panic into lowly mortals. Their Nadirite spears and blades are dangerous to any mortal, a mere flesh wound is enough to painfully strip away a soul to be devoured. Also carrying heavy and scarab like shields are so thick that most weapons merely break upon contact. Their individuality also allows them to think freely during a battle, working together to completely massacre their foe.

On the Field

ossiarch bone reapersOn the Tabletop of the Mortal Realms, Mortek Guard is a battleline unit for any Ossiarch Bonereapers army. They fulfil the role of your standard line infantry. Keeping the enemy at bay with large numbers of up to 40 models in a unit while the rest of the army brings in the hurt. With their low wound count of just 1 per model, it is a good idea to bring in more than you think you need. But their high bravery makes up for this shortcoming, they’ll rarely break ranks.

The Mortek Guard all come equipped with their large, heavy shields. They have the option to take either Nadirite Blades or Nadirite Spears, both powerful soul taking weapons. The Nadirite Blades have a solid 3+ to hit and 4+ to wound and also have a powerful -1 Rend to take down heavy armour. Nadirite Spears share the same rolls needed to hit and wound but trade the -1 Rend for extra range, stabbing the foe at a distance. One in every ten models can trade in their weapons for a two-handed Soulcleaver Greatblade doubling its attack output when compared to the standard Nadirite Blades. All Nadirite Blades and Spears also score double the hits should their hit-roll be a 6.

The leader of a regiment of Mortek Guard is a powerful Mortek Hekatos, easily visible by their more ornate armour. This leader gets an extra attack with their melee weapon. A Nadirite Blade wielding Mortek Hekatos deals the same damage as a Mortek Guard with a Soulcleaver Greatblade. One in every ten models can also be chosen to become the Necrophoros who wields a mighty banner to battle. Any unit with a banner bearer gets to add 1 to their charge and run rolls, marching faster than before.

The Mortek Guard are vastly different from normal skeletons!

Learn More About Ossiarch Mortek Guard Here!