News & Rumors

news rumors warhammer 40k tabletop gaming miniatures

We examine and unravel the latest Warhammer 40k rumors, speculations, and whispers in detail to determine how much truth they may hold. 

Here they are. Yet more Tau pics circulating around the net, this time showing the full release line and more! Tau go on advanced order this Saturday, avoid the rush and pre-order early! From Faeit A Big Tau Pic Collection The next White Dwarf is only a couple days out now, and wow, are the images flooding […]

Read More | March 29th, 2013

Here it is in all its resplendent glory, the new Tau codex cover!  Plus there is more pics circulating around the net. Tau go on advanced order this Saturday, avoid the rush and pre-order early! From Faeit’s Blog There has been some question to images that have been floating around, simply because only the partial images are […]

Read More | March 28th, 2013

The Tau are so close you can almost taste it! So here’s the latest pics and info, from April’s White Dwarf, as reported on the tubes. We’ve posted a HUGE amount of rumors over the last few weeks, so make sure you check it all our here!Tau go on advanced order this Saturday, so get ready to […]

Read More | March 26th, 2013

Well it looks like a warehouse birdie has been chirping about some of the new items for Eldar. Most of these rumors sound legit, and remember new releases will be warehoused for like 3 months as the lag for White Dwarf’s printing cycle catches up with the issue that features said release.But for sure take this for what it […]

Read More | March 25th, 2013

In light of recent events that I am sure many of you are aware of, we have been fielding a ton of questions about the future of Spikey Bits, and our position on the matter in question.Well our official position is that, we have no official position.  Nothing has been presented to us by any […]

Read More | March 21st, 2013

The Tau are still on the way, and here’s the latest on the Tau Codex choices, as reported on the tubes. There is a HUGE rumors thread going over on the BoLS Lounge that shows rumors back to August.  It’s a pretty good read so I reccomend flipping back over there to get the full read.I just re-posted […]

Read More | March 21st, 2013

Here the Super Heavy Collection of the most recent Tau Rumors from and pictures from Faeit.  Lots of chatter towards the end of the week about these guys, and now we have tons of pictures!Either way, makes for a great read!  Please remember that these are rumors (besides the pictures which look quite real), and […]

Read More | March 18th, 2013

Well it looks like the stars have aligned and we have another 40k release on our hands folks, and it is indeed TAU! Here’s a first look at the Tau Leak from the White Dwarf pictures currently going around the tubes! Man I am going to love me some plastic Broadsides and the new Tau 2013 Codex! […]

Read More | March 17th, 2013

The crescendo of rumors for Tau this week are starting to come to a head. Once again someone out there obviously knows something (or again is doing a really good job making it up).Either way it makes for a fun read about what just could be.  Plus Faeit has been digging up all sorts of seeming creditable […]

Read More | March 15th, 2013

The chatter is gradually increasing over the last week or so, and Tau seems to be the topic of it all. Someone out there obviously knows something (or is doing a really good job making it up). Either way it makes for a fun read about what just could be.  Plus Faeit dug up some old UK […]

Read More | March 12th, 2013

Okay I’ll admit it, I only play Tyranids because of the ‘Nidzilla list from a few years ago, that was all the rage back in late 4th edition. Since then well, I’ve been busy with other projects and haven’t really gotten back to give my bugs all the loving they deserve.  But these rumors may get me all excited for the bugs once […]

Read More | March 10th, 2013

The portents are staying true as all signs are pointing to April as the third release for Tau. Of course we’ve all heard this before, and just last week it was Tyranids that were rumored to be coming in April. So who knows really? I do have to admit the speculation below along with the […]

Read More | March 8th, 2013

Well now the April rumor mongers are saying Tau, but I suppose its anybody’s guess at this point. However the disappearance of the Tau models from the Warhammer World display cases for photography (i.e a bat rep in White Dwarf that would be 3 months out) may be a big give-away they are coming, as I can’t remember the […]

Read More | March 6th, 2013

This is why sometimes I like to let the rumor dogs lie so to speak. While there has been a lot of chatter about an upcoming Tyranids release, these two completely contradictory reports were posted earlier in the week. I’m sure we all hope (know) bugs will be getting a re-do here shortly (along with Tau, Eldar, […]

Read More | March 3rd, 2013

Leaks are sprouting up all over the place and this is the latest most comprehensive rumor set collected out there for 40k Daemons.Overall I am still a huge fan, I still think this book is going to be a very well balanced tome just like the previous two 40k codices like I was saying yesterday […]

Read More | February 27th, 2013

More juicy Daemon rumors are hitting today and the overall picture of how they will work now is starting to “materialize”This post from a German site confirms a lot of current rumors that have been floating around for the past few days, and adds a few more. We know from the White Dwarf that there […]

Read More | February 27th, 2013

More updates leaked out today about the upcoming Daemons book for 40k, and well as a Daemons player, I’m actually not disappointed yet.  Sure some of the OP stuff will be adjusted along with out of date mechanics like “gifts”,  but as of right now I’m still seeing some powerful trends.Seems like the book is going the way of […]

Read More | February 26th, 2013

Well by now you have probably heard about Games Workshops “current new” business model of direct only content that you can only buy from them, i.e. the Death from the Skies Book.I say “current new” because as even the most novice outsider can see that their business strategies seem to swing back and forth faster than the Harlem Shake. […]

Read More | February 22nd, 2013

Look what just dropped from the skies, so to speak. Second hand pics of the new Death for the Skies book.  Maybe if you’re on the fence about purchasing, this will help some?From what I see so far, me like! -MBGFrom Apocalypse 40k  Once again Darog at Darog’s Company has published these great photos of Death From […]

Read More | February 21st, 2013

Looks like the leak is on, and Daemon Pictures are pouring out of the warp! Look for all the details this weekend in the new White Dwarf.  Plus don’t forget to Advanced order these new releases from your favorite e-retailer or FLGS starting this Friday as well! Don’t miss out be sure to get in on the first wave […]

Read More | February 20th, 2013

Looks like a couple of leaks have been posted up over on 4chan, for the Stormraven and Stormtalon.I’m not going to direct post them here cause they show the points values, but I sure as heck can link to them! Also note the force org slot the Stormraven is under, very curious! We’ll know more […]

Read More | February 19th, 2013