Painted Titanicus Miniatures & Releases: LATEST

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

If you love giant freaking robots, then this gallery of the latest freshly painted Titanicus terrain and titan miniatures themselves from Warhammer Fest 2018 is for you.

Sablenah was live from the floor of Warhammer Fest and sent us pictures just as fast as he could get them. Check out the latest from Forge World and beyond!

Adeptus Titanicus

Here’s an incredible shot of a painted Warlord flanked by some of Forge World’s finest for scale:

Adeptus Titanicus warlord painted

More Titan miniatures of various Legio affiliations:

Titanicus, then and now:

The terrain has even come a long way as well from the days of card and plastic corner braces. If the production run actually looks as good as these samples Forge World may have knocked the whole release out of the park!

Realm of Battle Terrain Tiles:

These were primed white by the staff to show off the smaller scaled detail of the boards. They were originally said to be 2×2′ square sized but if that table is the normal 3′ wide folding type most of us are familiar with, these tiles may be perhaps a different size?

Overall it seems like hobbyists everywhere are impressed by the Titanicus previews. Check out the latest updates on Facebook and let us know what you think!

warhammer fest 2018

Latest from Warhammer Fest 2018