Painting a Seraphon Carnosaur: eBay Miniature Rescue

Carnosaur rescue reBay Miniature Rescues is back again with another video tutorial, and this time he’s painting a Seraphon Carnosaur!

eBay Miniature Rescues is a unique channel that shows you how to take beat-up, damaged minis, and restore them to their fullest potential! It’s a relatively new channel on YouTube and it’s super fun to watch what Casey is able to do with some once hopeless miniatures. 

Be sure to check out all his stuff here! This week, he shows us how you can go tryhard mode on a rescued mini! Let’s see how he takes this Carnosaur over the top! 

Painting a Seraphon Carnosaur: eBay Miniature Rescue

Carnosaur rescue 2This is the mini he grabbed off eBay for only $40. So not bad and the build of it was not too beat up. There were a few mold lines and gaps, but nothing big. Let’s see how he takes it to the next level!

Step 1:

Carnosaur rescue 3He starts by spraying the whole thing black, then finds a reference online for how he wants to paint this. He doesn’t copy the reference but uses it to help guide him. He then does a zenithal highlight with a white spray through the airbrush. Once dry, he breaks out a darker red and sprays all the scales with the airbrush. Then, he switches to a lighter orange and does some spot highlighting.

Step 2:

Carnosaur rescue 4To contrast between the skin and scales, he does a light line of black between the two then does a white town for the underbelly. Next, he breaks out Vallejo Gold and paints all the medallions and metal.

Step 3:

Carnosaur rescue 5To start, he mixes a purple wash together with some odorless spirits and does a wash over the whole model. Then comes back with a makeup brush to take off the excess. Once that’s dry he uses the Tamiya Panel Liner to bring out the bigger details. Next, he comes back with the original colors and goes over the entire model to bring the color back after the wash.

Step 4:

Carnosaur rescue 6For the saddle, he goes with Skeleton Horde contrast paint in the airbrush to give the bones the color he wants. Then, he lights it up with ivory near the center. To finish it up, he does Burnt Umber at the tips. He also paints up the rider, going teal for the scales and skin, then gold for the armor, and finished the gold armor off with a teal patina.

Step 5:

Carnosaur rescue 7In this stage, he’s going to work on the base. He throws down some texture mud and a smattering of small rocks. He then puts down a good variety of static grass. To finish the base off, he puts some aquarium plants on the base and hits them with a little brown from the airbrush to give it more texture.

Finished Model:

Carnosaur rescue 8That does it for this amazing model!

Follow eBay Miniature Rescues on YouTube now!

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