Painting Warhammer Quest Roulette: Goobertown Hobbies

painting Warhammer Quest Feature rThis week Goobertown Hobbies is painting Warhammer Quest, but the mini he chooses is all based on luck- check it out!

Goobertown Hobbies is a great content creator who has interesting takes on the hobby. Whether it’s a collaboration with other hobby YouTubers or a challenge for himself, he has a broad range of topics he covers. Since he has so much great content, why not check out what else he has done?

This week he is going to pick a mini from the latest three boxes and paint it up. Since there are so many he wants to paint, he just couldn’t choose. Let’s see how he does it. 

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Painting Warhammer Quest Roulette: Goobertown Hobbies

painting Warhammer Quest 4


painting Warhammer Quest 3


painting Warhammer Quest 2


painting Warhammer QuestHe’s going to be painting a random mini with a totally random scheme. Above are all the minis he could paint up, which will it be? He used a d20 and a D6 to decide.

stormcast questorHe ended up with the Knight Questor in a gold or silver scheme. Let’s see how he does it!

The Start

painting Warhammer Quest 5He is going to be going for an NMM gold this time, something he hasn’t done much of. To get the scheme down, he goes into a painting program and gets the color scheme he wants, and to give him a reference point. Then he broke out the airbrush and did a ton of test schemes, this is what he came up with, to begin with.

Base Coats

stormcast questor 2He started with Plague Brown as the initial color, then used Titanium White Ink to spray in some light parts, wherever you feel like the light hits naturally. Then some Burnt Umber to get your dark spots. This should only take a couple of minutes when you use an airbrush. Lastly, spray a thin layer of yellow ink on as a filter.

Next, he paints on a dark green using the brush to the cloak and finishes it up with the white ink through the airbrush from the bottom up. He then paints the blade with a true metallic silver and the seals with a bone white. Next, paint all the leather in a dark brown.


stormcast questor 4He goes back to the white ink, but this time with the brush. He puts glints with the ink to all the edges and corners to give it a reflecting feel. Next, put a few bold highlights into bigger parts of the armor to make it look like the sun is hitting. For the brown, he lays down a brown wash and does some lighter brown highlights. After that, he scuffs up the edges of the sword with a lighter silver. Lastly here, he hits the whole model with a gloss varnish.


painting Warhammer Quest washHe takes Nuln Oil and Agrax Earthshade, then he puts that into all the cracks on the armor, the ribbons, loincloth, and plume. He varnishes again, but with half matte and half varnish.

Working on the Base

painting Warhammer Quest basesHe starts by cutting up some cork, then covers them in glue, and finally dipping them in sand. Then prime it black, hit a brown dry brush, and then a little bit of green dry brushed in there. To finish it off, he paints the rocks with a gray highlight.

painting Warhammer Quest FinishedThere you have an amazing mini from a really cool box set!

If you are curious about what he has to say, and for more details on the techniques watch the full video above! Also, be sure to Subscribe to Goobertown Hobbies if you enjoy his content!

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