PaintRack App Updated With Tons of Amazing Paint Brands!

PaintRack featureThe PaintRack App has just been updated with a ton of amazing paint brands, including Monument Hobbies, Golden, and Green Stuff World!

Courageous Octopus, the developers of PaintRack, have recently updated their app to add more to what already is a handy resource.

Now, you may be asking: What is paintRack? PaintRack is a digital paint collection resource with over 5,000 paints from top manufacturers such as Citadel, Vallejo, Army Painter, Scale75, P3, and more.

The new updates added more Pro Acryl (Monument Hobbies), AK Interactive, Green Stuff World, and Golden!

PaintRack App Updated With Tons of Amazing Paint Brands!


Happy February 1st, time for another update!
Pro Acryl paints are some of the best on the market, so it’s great to see them on the app, along with a host of other awesome brands. If you’ve wanted to build out your collection and paint some test models, this is getting better than ever.
While having all these new paints is great, let’s look at a little more of what the app actually does which you can click to download the app here!

paintRack app stitchThe library has such features as set building which allows you to create custom paint sets or recipes for your models; a wish list to help you keep track of paints that you need; a rapid scanner tool that lets you bar codes on paint pots to finds them in the database; and color matching tools to aid you in finding the best matching paint colors.

PaintRack’s library will allow you to swipe between paint manufacturers and then scroll through a selected collection. Once you have found a paint color, you can select it to save to a set or to your wish list.

paintRack app stitch 2

A very nice feature concerning set building is that you can separate your sets depending on the project and then create a sub-set in the project for each part of the model you are painting.

Click Here to Download the App!

Have you used the PaintRack app yet? Are you going to try it after the updates?

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