X-Wing’s Five Best Squad Builds Before Wave 7

By Rob Baer | September 2nd, 2015 | Categories: Star Wars, Warhammer 40k Rumors, X-Wing 2.0

ig 88

Wave 7 is coming to X-wing tabletops right now, but these are the top 5 squads to fly for the X-wing Miniatures game before the new ships have altered the meta.

The new Wave 7 ships are sure to make a splash soon, however for now these are the squads that are flying strong into August. 

tie fighter xwing

The Rear Admiral

  • Rear Admiral Chiraneau (Engine Upgrade + Gunner + Rebel Captive + Predator + Ysanne Isard)
  • Soontir Fel  (Stealth Device + Push The Limit + Royal Guard TIE + Autothrusters)

Still holding strong on the top 5, this Decimator list features the one-two hammer and anvil punch of Chippy, and the Baron Soontir Fel. The truest starfighter of them all Soontir Fel can arc dodge swoop in and wipe out whatever the Decimator has already weakened from relative safety. This combo is not to be underestimated.

Han’s New Groove

  • Jake Farrell  (Veteran Instincts + Push The Limit + Proton Rockets + A‑Wing Test Pilot + Autothruster)
  • Han Solo ( Engine Upgrade + Millennium Falcon + Luke Skywalker + C‑3PO + Predator;)

Sometimes referred to as ‘Fat Han’ this build is good at deflecting shots, and maximizing the output using predator to adjust the dice before using Han’s ability or engaging a new shooting phase with the under priced Luke in place of gunner.

Jake is a action master, and now cheaper than before with the test pilot ability. Hug the flanks and let loose when the time is right with his payload.

Flying casual is once again the key to victory, keep those ships close, but not too close.

b-wing star wars xwing

Rebel Bee Spam

  • Blue Squadron Pilot x4
  • Bandit Squadron Pilot

Not quite the undisputed king of the tournament circuit, that it used to be. It is howeve  a solid 5 ship build that’s strength lies in the stock stat line of the B-Wing.

Master formation flying with this squad and there isn’t much that can take 16 attack dice at range one. If there is it may not be able to deal 20 shields and 12 hull points of damage back. Protect the z-95 if the game looks close so you don’t give up 12 free points, but don’t hesitate to sacrifice him to direct traffic or hunt down wounded prey if the game’s heavily in your favor.

Bigger Fish

  • Corran Horn (R2-D2 + Veteran Instincts + Fire Control System)
  • Dash Rendar (Engine Upgrade + Heavy Laser Cannon + Push The Limit + Kyle Katarn + Outrider)

Use Corran at Pilot Skill 10 to flank blast anything that focuses on Dash for too long. This list is all about angles, so learn the space curves and apply the squad’s overwhelming firepower well. Don’t be afraid to double up Corran’s shots to kill off the early threats.

This list was on a tear over summer. It’s a super deadly squad that a lot of players may not be ready for. I see this staying in the top 5 for awhile!

star wars battle of endor

Ninja Destroyer Droids 

  • IG88-B  (Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + Inertial Dampeners + IG-2000
  • IG88-C  (Veteran Instincts + Heavy Laser Cannon + Advanced Sensors)

The best of a lot of worlds here. This IG88 build combines a free gunner ability with higher pilot skill, the ability to scheme from activation, and a free 0 move mulligan. You opponent should go for the ‘C’ version first as those free evades are a game changer, use that to your advantage.

Build two is similar yet different;

  • IG88‑B (Push The Limit + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + “Mangler” Cannon + IG‑2000)
  • IIG88‑C (Heavy Laser Cannon + Push The Limit + Advanced Sensors + Autothrusters + IG‑2000)

Funsies List:

Here’s a fun little combo list to try that’s powerful but challenging at the same time. While it’s not one of the Top 5 lists, don’t turn your back on this squad for a second in the hands of a veteran player!

  • Corran Horn (R2-D2 + Veteran Instincts + Fire Control System)
  • Jake Farrell  (Veteran Instincts + Push The Limit + Proton Rockets + A‑Wing Test Pilot + Autothruster)
  • Biggs Darklighter

There are still tons of good builds out there folks, and if history has shown us anything the top events are won by a bit of home brewing as well.

Get to your fighters, and may the Force Be With You!