Primaris Space Marines Fur & Flesh Bits: Unboxing & Build

space marine fur bits rLiber Daemonica and KF Studio have teamed up to create these amazing Primaris Space Marines Fur and Flesh bits- check it out!

The hobby maniacs over at Liber Daemonica have been a great painting studio for some time now. Recently, they’ve gone also gone the retail route and added a store to their lineup as well.

Today Rob is taking a look at the new site and a bunch of the Space Marine bits they sell in conjunction with KF Studio! We are going to show you everything that the kits come with, how long they take to build, and some size comparisons.

That way you can decide if these are worth your hard-earned hobby dollars. 

Primaris Space Marines Fur & Flesh Bits: Unboxing & Build

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space marine fur bits 2Their new site is really well laid out and smooth. They have all kinds of bits on there and it also has multiple sections for so many different factions! KF Studio has a ton of really cool bits and now that they are on Liber Daemonica, they are super easy to grab. The bits we’ll be focusing on today are perfect for a few factions.

Since nobody wants boring marines, then you should really check them out! They even have some bundles if you want a bunch of stuff and to save some cash. 

Custom Painted Bits

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space marine fur bits 6Since they are also a painting studio, they have some awesome versions of the bits painted up. If you just want to go all out, they can do everything from the conversions to the paint jobs for you! If you aren’t sure what every bit is, the painted ones are great to tell how they will look on your models.


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space marine fur bits 7The capes are so flush with detail and are made perfectly to just fit on the existing kits. If you ever have to cut off things like these nubs on resin, put some blue-tac behind the piece when you do it. This will take most of the impact and not send pieces flying.

space marine fur bits 11They also have a bunch of bits that just go over one shoulder, so not technically a cape but still awesome!

Heads Bits

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space marine fur bits 9The heads also look great and while it could be something you could do with a 3D printer, they are pretty cheap and it’s just so much easier to grab these than worry about printing them on your own.

They have a bunch of heads that would be perfect for Space Wolves or any fearsome chapter as well!


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space marine fur bits 13They also have a ton of great robes for the more chaotic variety. With them made out of flesh, they are quite gruesome but also pretty cool. Especially considering you don’t see many bits from Forge World like this, they are just awesome to have.

Bits on a Plastic Mini

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space marine fur bits 15You can see once you start adding the bits together, they look really awesome and fit perfectly on an existing Space Marine. You can turn a normal Marine into something awesome pretty fast.

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space marine fur bits 18They have so much variety in what they offer it really just lets you create some amazing minis!

If you want to see everything they are coming out with, and have for sale right now, check it out here!

Get Your Liber Daemonica Bits Here

Have you used any of their bits yet?

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