Squidmar Painting Secrets: How-to-Paint Fur & Cloaks Tutorial

Professional Painting SecretsThis week, Squidamr shows us a ton of professional painting secrets on how to paint fur and cloaks and get them looking fantastic!

Squidmar’s channel is rapidly growing due to his great tutorials ranging from full-scale models to tips and even practical physics! This time around, he has a giant video with a ton of tips. Since it’s so long, we’re going to break this into 3 parts, with the second part being focused on the fur.

Professional Painting Secrets: Squidmar How-to-Paint Fur & Cloaks Tutorial

Professional Painting Secrets 4

This is where we left off from last week’s tutorial, which you can check out here. So, if you want to get to this stage, go watch that. Now, let’s get into the steps for painting fur!

How to Paint Fur Step 1:

how Paint FurHe wants these areas to be somewhat neutral so it doesn’t take away from the rest of the miniature. So, he’s not going to make this too bright. With that in mind, he starts with Citadel Rhinox Hide and hits all the recesses with it. Then, he mixes in some Gorthor Brown in a wet blend and hits the rest of the fur with that mix. 

Step 2:

how to Paint FurTo start highlighting, he mixes Gorthor Brown with Rakarth Flesh and highlights down to about 50% of each section of fur and all the way to the highlight above it. For example, in areas where there is Gorthor Brown and Rhinox Hide mixed, this highlight goes all the way to that.

Then, he moves to just Rakarth Flesh and adds that to about 50% of the area he had just covered. About 30% of the fur will be covered with this color.

Step 3:

how to Paint Fur 3Just like with the skin, he does this in parts since he’s doing some wet-blending. Now, it’s time to do steps one and two over the other areas of fur, such as the boots, loin cloth, etc. Now with that done, let’s move on to the cloak.

Painting the Cloak Step 1:

how to Paint Fur 4He adds the paints Rhinox Hide, Scarlet Red, and Black to the wet palette. This is all about where the lights hit the model and getting your volume right. All of the flat areas angled upwards will be painted with scarlet, and all the areas where the cloak goes completely to the side will be done with a mix of Rhinox and scarlet.

On the areas directly under the shield, or something casting a shadow, will have black mixed in and eventually works out to Rhinox Hide. You don’t have to worry if it’s perfect here, as we’ll fix a lot with the highlights.

Step 2:

how to paint fur 5He’s going to be stippling for the highlighting of the cloak. He mixes two parts scarlet with 1 part light flesh tone and stipples on highlights anywhere the light would naturally hit the cloak. He hits about 30% of the cloak here. On the top 10% of the cloak, he adds another coat of the same blend to really bring in the transitions.

There you have it, awesome fur and an amazing cloak!

Finished Model:

Professional Painting Secrets 6Next week we’ll take a look at the next stage, but as you can see, when this is all painted up, the model looks amazing!

Be sure to watch the video below for all the tips!

Subscribe to Squimar on YouTube!

Squidmar Miniatures is a great place to learn all kinds of painting techniques! Be sure to subscribe to the Squidmar Miniatures YouTube channel for more tutorials.

Did these tips help you get your painted miniature over the top? 

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About the Author: Travis Pasch

Travis Pasch

travis pasch writer headshot profile bioJob Title: Head Writer & Editor

Socials: @paschbass 

About Travis Pasch: Travis has been a Warhammer 40k hobbyist since the 1990s, playing the game since Third Edition. Through extensive traveling, he’s seen a lot of the miniatures hobby from across the world, giving him a unique perspective on the latest gaming topics and trends.

Travis’s brother even owns a commission painting studio, where he’s picked up a lot of good advice and techniques for painting Warhammer and tabletop miniatures over the years, as well. Travis joined the Spikey Bits team in 2019 and has been the lead writer since 2020.

Currently, he’s working on converting all his 40k Adeptus Mechanicus models and becoming a true tech enjoyer, complete with both sad and happy robot noises!