PROOF Games Workshop IS Leaking Their Own Pics?

By Rob Baer | December 1st, 2015 | Categories: Editorials, Warhammer 40k Rumors


Is Games Workshop really leaking their own pictures? The answer may have been staring us in the face all along, check THIS out!

Come see CSI Robbie B break down the latest Black Friday pictures from Games Workshop to “mysteriously” appear on the internets

I’ve watch enough episodes of Law and Order, and Sherlock to know with something quacks like a duck, well it’s not Miley Cyrus right?

Lately I’ve been wondering more and more where all these terrible blurry and often under or over exposed pictures have been coming from, and wrote a little about how “coincidental” it all seems to be sometimes last week.

Now I’m personally sold GW is leaking their own pics to forums, FB groups, and news sites alike.

Again, it’s worth mentioning that Games Workshop is not known to have a marketing department, and they’ve been quoted as saying the White Dwarf and their YouTube IS their marketing even on several occasions.

Normally I’m not a big conspiracy guy honestly, but I have subconsciously noticed something recently that seems to be the same in a lot of these picture “leaks”.

Let me run you though this scenario that I’m seeing CSI style.

11-25-2015 Roughly 2:30 AM UTC


The pictures of the new Games Workshop Black Friday Sale appear on Imgur, and were emailed to several key hobby sites and posted though various forums and Facebook groups.

For us here at Spikey Bits this is a pretty common thing to get this type of information etc. But for something like that to be happening so very late in the day/night its’ VERY uncommon to be honest.


Now take a look at the desk these picture were take on. Common dark wood grain standard chip board manufacturing right?


What about these pictures for the Age of Sigmar that hit the web, before the release of the set. Notice anything, familiar?


How about from these Horus Heresy pics that hit B&C before the launch of Betrayal at Calth?

pic-45467 (1)

Maybe most importantly of all, how about from this slightly over exposed picture from the Games Workshop studio on Monday November 23rd?

pic2 (4)

Is it just me or are all those desks pretty much the same?  Now sure they all look slightly different tone wise, but hey have you ever taken two selfies that look exactly the same?


Now just to play devil’s advocate for a second, I realize the Black Friday sale picture is much darker and way more saturated than the rest. But check this out…


See that tell tale light source in the bottom right? That could be a flash from a camera phone. Now have you ever tried taking a pic with your phone when there isn’t enough light and your flash kicks on? I think the same thing may have happened here.

Remember these pictures were uploaded at 2:30 am UTC, which as we have shown above could have very well been either at the GW headquarters itself, or at a store here in the states (about 9:30 pm EST).

Odds are that the lights would mostly be off in the offices of GW, or any retail store at that time of the night for that matter right?

Seems like that would be dark enough to set off the flash we saw in these new Black Friday pics, and give that wood grain desk above a little darker than normal hue IMHO.

Or maybe it’s all just a big coincidence and the world has the same sort of wood grain desks that GW uses in their studio and stores.

What do YOU think – is this all a coincidence, or a conspiracy?

And we would have gotten away with it too, if it wasn’t for you pesky writers…

Episode 27 – Gamer’s Bill of Rights