Punchline Preview from Knight Models!

batman back to gothamIt’s almost time to get wild with the new Punchline preview from Knight Models if you love crazy in your life, this model may be for you!

Whether you’re looking for heroes or villains, Knight Models always has something for you! Their line of DC minis is starting to get insane, so basically, any character that’s your favorite, they have it. This release is the perfect example of that!

The new miniature is based around a lesser-known (to the general fan, don’t worry, not you) but a loved character. Plus, who hasn’t wanted to play with Joker and Punchline in the same game? Always fun to play and hobby on some different characters!

The mini is so cool, that even if you don’t play the game, it could be worthwhile to have just show off. But if you haven’t played yet, you should, it’s super fun and definitely worth a try. Let’s stop talking and jump into the mini!

Punchline Preview from Knight Models!

PunchlineToday we are delighted to share with you one of July’s upcoming releases, Punchline !: “I’ve been waiting for this for a long time …”

While she’s not the most known character, she has quite the wild backstory. Back when she was just known as Alexis Kaye, she was simply a student at Snyder College. But on a field trip, she happened to meet the Joker, which changed her forever. She became obsessed with him and eventually, became known to many, as his new girlfriend.

She’s so much more than that though, she’s a crazy villain in her own right and will be super fun to play with on the tabletop! They said she’s hitting pre-order in July, so if you want to pick her up, you don’t have too much longer to wait now! If you love what Knight Models are up to, check out what else they have going on.

That does it for this one, just another great model coming to a really fun game!

Learn More About Punchline Here!