Rebels Phantom II & Resistance Bomber: REVIEW

bomber and phantom packWaves 12 and 13 have arrived for X-Wing! Take a look at our unboxing of the Phantom II and Resistance Bomber for X-Wing Miniatures!

Wave 12’s Rebel Phantom II and Wave 13’s Resistance Bomber are available for preorder now.

Phantom II Expansion Pack $14.95

phantom II shipThe Phantom II is a Sheathipede-class transport shuttle that the Spectres recovered from a Clone Wars-era military base and modified with weapons and a custom docking system. It makes its X-Wing™ debut in the Phantom II Expansion Pack as an attack-ready vessel that comes with four ship cards and six upgrades. These include new astromechs, crew upgrades, and Title upgrades that incorporate more of Star Wars Rebels in your space battles and add depth to the shuttle’s ability to perform the coordinate action.

phantom II upgrade cardsThe Phantom II comes with four pilot cards, six upgrade cards, and more. These ships are low cost and aren’t very mighty, but pair well with other ships in the Rebels fleet. Overall, there is some interesting potential here.

Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack $39.95

resistance bomber ship

A strategic ordnance platform flown by brave Resistance pilots, the B/SF-17 heavy bomer arrives to X-Wing™ as a towering, large-base ordnance platform with room for one systems upgrade, one tech upgrade, and two bombs. In addition to its pre-painted miniature starship, the Resistance Bomber Expansion Pack provides a host of potential pilots and upgrades. In total, you’ll find four ship cards, thirteen upgrades, one condition card, a maneuver dial, and all the plastic and tokens you need to rain destructive ordnance upon the First Order!

resistance bomber upgrade cardsThe Bomber comes with four pilot cards, thirteen upgrade cards, and more. The Bomber has some interesting abilities, including the ability to launch a bomb instead of dropping them. Overall, these new upgrade cards can be fantastic for many different ships and fleets.

For more information regarding X-Wing, take a look at Fantasy Flight Games’ X-Wing product site. Be sure to press play on the video below to see the entire unboxing and review of these new ships!