Reclaim The Refinery With New Designs From Game Mat EU

Imperial RefineryMake a claim to those old Imperial stomping grounds with this new themed refinery ruins landscape from GameMat EU.

Gamemat EU has you covered in getting your tabletop up and running for your next battle. From mats to even terrain, you can find everything you need to, as they say, “turn your tabletop into a real battlefield!” This time, they’ve got a new themed tabletop mat to set your battle in the old Imperial Refinery!

44″x60″ Imperial Refinery: 65€

 Imperial Refinery

Reclaim those ruins and make your way across the barren wastes that once was the Imperial Refinery!

Battle mat (play mat or game mat) is suitable for Warhammer 40 000, Age Of Sigmar, Star Wars: Legion, X-Wing and other board games and tabletop war games.

Imperial Refinery RUBBER

– rubber based (mousepad material) battle mat with highly detailed printed design
– 44×60 inch size (111.8×152.4cm)
– lays perfectly flat, no dog ears
– 2 mm thick durable rubber base
– weight 3 kg
– anti slip
– water proof
– no light reflections
– softens rolling dice sounds
– smooths model movement
– soft protection for dropped models
– adds amazing cinematic effect to your games
– turns your tabletop into a real batttlefield
– battle bag included


GameMat Battle Mats

In addition to these sizes, they’ve got tons of different sizes and designs to match whatever genre of game you plan on playing, so get your new wargame tabletop mats from Gamemat EU Today!

Click Here For Your GameMat.EU Imperial Refinery Mat!