Reinforcements of Renown Arrive for Star Wars: X-Wing

Reinforcements of renown feature rThe Reinforcements of Renown include three new expansions including one for the Empire, the Rebel Alliance, and the Scum!

If you’ve been waiting to get into Star Wars: X-Wing, now is the time! If you’ve already been playing, well, you have been getting tons of options to expand your forces. It’s just a really fun game and now with all the additions, each game will have tons of variety.

Today, the 3 new expansions fly to the tabletop. Each set comes with three ships all with their own unique abilities. Whether you want to help the Empire retain control, let the Rebels defeat the superpower, or just roam around and get the cash where you can, they have something for you. ! Let’s take a closer look at the announcement from FFG:

Phoenix Cell Squadron Pack:

Reinforcements of renownUnder the leadership of Commander Jun Sato, Phoenix Squadron is an elite group of pilots who often assist the Ghost team on their missions. At the helm of Phoenix Squadron is Phoenix Leader, Hera Syndulla. The infamously skilled pilot of the Ghost takes the controls of a more-nimble craft in this expansion and is the first RZ-1 A-wing pilot to boast an Initiative value of 6! 

If you love Star Wars, check what else is going on with it!

Skystrike Academy Squadron Pack:

Reinforcements of renown 2The hardened recruits of Skystrike Academy are the elite test pilots of the Galactic Empire. These promising individuals undergo ruthless training, testing some of the Empire’s most potent and experimental starfighters. At the head of Skystrike Academy is Commander Vult Skerris, a notorious pilot known for his skill and cunning. His pilot ability allows you to delay his action until after all ships have moved, giving you perfect information to select the most effective action before engaging.

Fugitives and Collaborators Squadron Pack:

Reinforcements of renown 3As the Rebel Alliance and Galactic Empire vie for position in a sweeping war across the stars, the opportunists, criminals, and smugglers of the galaxy operate effectively from the shadows, playing sides against one another to increase their profit. Cutthroat tactics are the norm in the Outer Rim, and sometimes the demise of a wingman just makes for a bigger cut for the survivors. 

That does it for their latest release! They have really been putting in a ton of work on the game lately! And we can’t wait to try out the new ships!

Get Your Reinforcements of Renown Here!

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