Brace for impact! The New Cult Mechanicus formations are here, check it out!
Cult Mechanicus Formations
via Faeit 5-8-2015
Cult Mechanicus has 4 formations.
Cohort Cybernetica – all models in the formation are fielded as a single unit and robots can fire at different targets
1 Tech-Priest Dominus-gets the rules for the Cybernetica Datasmith
2 Kastelan Robot ManiplesElimination Maniple – gain +1 BS and ignore cover
2-3 units of Kataphron Destroyers
1-3 Kastelan Robot ManiplesNuminous Conclave – must have equal numbers of each type of unit gain crusader and re-roll wounds
2-3 Fulgurite Electro-Priests
2-3 Corpuscarii Electro-PriestsHoly Requisitioner – Deep Strike with no error
1 Tech-Priest Dominus
2-3 units of Kataphron BreachersCult Mechanicus Roundup
~Formations looking good so far, I wonder what the detachment situation’s looking like?