More and more rumors breaking today about new Space Marines, and now Dark Angels releases. Come see the list!
Cyber Sleuth Atia seems to be on the case again, and has uncovered a slew of new Space Marines and Dark Angels releases.
I had thought Games Workshop plugged those cyber holes, but it looks like the flood gates have opened once again.
While it’s super nice to see that the always flavorful Dark Angels may be making a triumphant return, I’d apply the normal amount of salt here folks!
via Atia on Bolter and Chainsword
well, you’ll get a sneak prev @ mondayalso, you will get an Ultramarine Paint Splatter in next weeks WD 😛
Next week: painting blue and gold (Picture From Spikey Bits)Space Marine/ Dark Angel Re-Directs
Space Marine Assault Squad
Datacards: Space Marines
New Codex: Space Marines
Space Marine HQ Command Tanks:
new Dark Angels Battleforce
Codex Dark Angels 2015:
Codex. Dark Angels eBook:
Datacards Dark Angels:
I would be nice to see the forces of the Lion back again for sure. This summer looks to be heating up something fierce!
Checkout every scrap of new release information we could find, below!