Ruin Has Come – Burning of Prospero UNBOXED!

Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic

Come see the complete set in the Burning of Prospero unboxing, featuring the Plastic Sisters of Silence, Custodes and Mark III armor models.

Here are the sprue contents of the new Prospero burns box set! Checkout these new models via our friends at Dicehead Games:

The new core set, unboxed!

Source: Dicehead Games

First off some shots of the new set, and game components:

Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic

And the new model instructions as some look to be quite multi part

Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic

So the Adeptus Custodes Guard look to be semi multi-part with various weapons ranging from Guardian spears to Stormshields. It also appears the headress topknots are optional, and the rear torso bits do not have backpacks. The standard bits are also clearly visible as well.

What a gorgeous new set, be sure to lock yours in now from Dicehead Games or wherever Games Workshop minis are sold!

Checkout the new set for yourself:

See what everyone is saying about the new box set below:

Horus heresy burning of prospero unboxed plastic

New Burning of Prospero Box Set

Preferred Enemy: Wallet

Source: Spikey Bits Hobbies

new plastic custodes guard adeptus guard

We will see FIVE of these Custodian Guards in the new Prospero burns box set

First seen on Heresy Norway, it’s now on Imgur:

prospero burns contents

This is the direct mailing GW sends to it’s stores and retailers about new releases.

The contents are listed as

  • Ahirman
  • Greigor ? Fell-Fell Hand
  • 5 Tartaros Terminators
  • 30 Legion Veterans (Mk III armor)
  • 5 Custodian Guard
  • 5 Sisters of Silence
  • and various rules and game accessories

Remember battle for Prospero is coming in both a core set, and for the new Horus Heresy rules set from Forge World.

New Burning of Prospero Box Set Roundup