Living Metal, Warlord Traits, and Reanimation Protocols – Checkout the latest rumorfest for the Necrons!
via Faeit 1-24-2015
Necron Special Rules
Reanimation Protocols are for whenever a model suffers an unsaved wound and can be used against “no saves of any kind” as RA is not a saving throw. It also works against instant death weapons, but not destroyer or removed from play. Standard is a 5+ and can never be improved better than a 4+. If you have fnp, and RA, you must choose which one to use., but not both. Living Metal ignores shaken results but still loses a hull point. On the roll of a 6 at the end of the round, regain a lost hull point. Necron Warlord Traits1. Warlord has Eternal Warrior
2. Warlord has Zealot
3. Warlord and friendlies within 12″ re-roll failed morale, pinning and fear
4. While warlord is alive, add or subtract 1 to reserve rolls and seize the initiative after the roll is made
5. Warlord and friendles within 12″ have relentless and crusader
6. Warlord must accept challenges and re-rollls all failed to hit rolls in challenges. If an enemy refuses a challenge the Warlord gains hatred for rest of game.
So I’m loving that living metal rule for sure, plus the FNP vs the RA rules seem sensible and may keep combos from getting out of hand IMHO.
What rumor do you like so far?