RUMORS – 2015 Codex Release Roadmap

By Rob Baer | January 7th, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

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The internet is chirping, and here’s what it’s saying about the 2015 Codex Lineup.

Here’s the latest word on the street regarding 2015 Warhammer 40,000 releases courtesy of BoLS:

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The Army Books: 
(release order is unknown, but the last rumors reported Necrons first)

– Necrons
– Dark Angels
– Chaos Marines
– Sororitas
– Chaos Daemons

The “Special Armies”
This category are the new rumored “small codex armies” that have only a handful of units, short pagecount codices, and are entirely new to the game (or have been out of print for decades).

– Harlequins (rumors say Februrary more regularly)
– Others (conflicting chatter of everything from Ad-Mech to Genestealer Cult, and even more exotic factions…)

In general these are the “Imperial Knight” type releases this year – designed to make a big splash and spike sales due to the fact the faction is entirely new miniatures. Look for 1-2 of these this year.

Checkout the Latest in our Rumor Roundup -Which one do you want to see the most, and why?
