RUMORS – Ad Mech Playtesting Latest

By Rob Baer | February 22nd, 2015 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors


Curious about what to expect form the rumored Adeptus Mechanicus release? Keep reading for the latest on the release of the robots!

From the Birds in the Trees:

Some early tidbits on Mechanicus units:

– Legion Cybernetica units have a certain quick and easy “programming” game mechanic built into them.

– Examples listed were only being able to define certain aspects of moving and/or shoointing directly, with some aspects being determined either in a pre-defined manner, or randomly.  thus some of your Ad-mech units may not be “wholly” under your direct player control.

– There will however be certain pieced of wargiesr and or “controller” units which will get around these limitations.


It seems like this may be a watered down version of the old ‘programming’ rules for the robots back in the Rogue Trader days.

Pretty cool little easter egg I think. Plus we already know they are looking back at these rules / old models as the Vorax model from Forge World is based on the “Crusader’ robot in the picture below.

So will this be a stand alone, a tie in with the rumored plastic 30k release ,or just rubbish?

Take them all with the normal dose of salt I say for now.

Legio_Cybernetica_RobotsAd-Mech Rumor Roundup

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