RUMORS – Aeronautica Imperialis Returning?

By Rob Baer | January 14th, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k Rumors

RUMORS - Aeronautica Imperialis Returning? marauder bomber

The big rumor of the day is here. Grab you flight suit and your salt shakers, this Specialist Game rumor is coming in HOT ! Is Aeronautica Imperialis coming back?


Do you remember Games Workshop Air Combat game. Aeronautica Imperialis that was a solid hit from Forge World? Well perhaps with the success of games like Star Wars: X-Wing Games Workshop will be looking for something to help this game break back into the mainstream, and attract some of those Space Curves players back into the fold?

via Adeptus Astartes, Facebook

Stop the press!

Exclusive leak from “The Eye” at GWHQ.

“Prepare yourself for a new boardgame involving flyers from all of the factions. It’s call warplane or something like that, I’ll get the name tomorrow as I forgot it… but you can play eldar, chaos, space marine and orks”

The first “specialist game” to be released and will be announced any time now!

Posters have been seen in the staff areas at GWHQ.

Rated “reliable”


No idea whether this will be just a starter box OR perhaps something with expansions like X-wing. Of course take this with a mountain of salt, we have also seen and heard that Blood Bowl is enroute as well!

All pilots to your ships? 

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