RUMORS: Age of Sigmar 3.0 Starter Set & More Factions

By Travis Pasch | May 14th, 2021 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

age-of-sigmar-3.0If you like speculating about the future and big-time rumors, here’s what may be coming in the Age of Sigmar 3.0 Starter Set!

Even more Stormcast on the horizon, including a Felix Stormcast? Malekith’s new Dark Aevles on the way finally? Hobgoblins in the starter set? Are The Cities of Sigmar actually getting new kits? Is an Orruks being pushed back due to COVID? Now those are some bold statements, if true.

But, there is a chance at least some of this is happening, and a recent short story (read it for yourself here) sent out by GW may actually verify some of the claims! Morathi speaks with Malerion, talks about angering Sigmar, and taking over the realms of man. Some of which line up with the rumors.

There are clues that actually make some of these rumors seem somewhat true. But, we’re going to throw the whole list of rumors at you from Xavi Arnau. Some we found clues for some of these, but others not so much yet. So take this with some salt, and maybe it will all turn out to be true.

Who knows these days? But again, these are rumors, you’ve been warned!

RUMORS: Age of Sigmar 3.0 Starter Set & More

Let’s start with the list and then start breaking them down.

rumors and leaksThis is the full list of rumors posted on Miniwars by Xavi Arnau (from Reddit where it has been removed). First off, thank you for the rumors, because guessing at what’s coming next is always fun! Now that you’ve read the list, let’s dive into it!

New Stormcast

rumor engine 11-10-20Let’s begin with the easiest one. Because let’s be honest, when you’re the Space Marines of AoS, you’ll always be getting new minis. In the story we mentioned above, Morathi talks about Sigmar’s anger and his training of new troops. So that right there is the perfect lead-in for GW to make new units and give them background.

In a still unrevealed Rumor Engine (pictured above) you see a giant quiver of arrows that could easily be the Stormcast Archer unit talked about in the rumor. As to the new units being new armor and not replacements, the story does mention training troops specifically to fight Morathi, so there could be some voracity to that claim.

As to the other claims about Stormcast, well, they are always getting new heroes, so that could easily be true. But the most interesting one? Felix Stormcast?????? Maybe, but we aren’t getting hopes too high for that one, but if it is true, then oh yes! It could work in the lore, so why not?

Malerion aka Malekith aka the Witch King

malerion walWe’ve been hearing rumors about this for some time now. With Morathi talking directly to Malerion in the newest short story from GW, this could very well be on the way. We took a deeper dive into the possibility, which you can check out here, so we could totally see this happening in the new edition. He seems quite upset with Morathi in the story, so there’s a chance he brings his forces to bear and puts in his bid for power.

A new Dark Aelves faction would be interesting and could be a fairly easy new army for them to add to the game. Plus he keeps popping up over and over, most recently with this 3.0 short story that was emailed out to everyone who signed up for new updates recently.

Cities of Sigmar

empire free peoples cities of sigmar wal horThis one would be a long time coming if it did happen. Most of the kits are quite old and really need an update. Going to the short story again, Morathi talks about how many human cities will be under siege, opening the possibility for more human troops quite easily. The rumor states a bigger focus on the actual human minis of the line.

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There hasn’t been a ton more about this that we’ve seen, but again, with such old minis, it would totally make sense. The main issue GW is going to have to find a way to protect the IP, so we could see some very strange units in the future for them. Let’s hope this is true because the line really needs some love and the new edition of AoS may be their time to shine!


warhammer underworlds savage orruksWe’ve seen new minis for Direchasm, which has traditionally been a small release before a bigger rework. Also, with the 40k version getting a massive overhaul, the studio may just have green on the mind.

There have been a few Orruk-y Rumor Engines and talk about this for a little while. So don’t be surprised if you see a bigger release near the start of the edition.

New Age of Sigmar 3.0 Starter Set

wolf ridersNew Hobgoblins? Well, we’re not so sure about this one, but it’s not impossible. We’ll not make much judgment on this one and just wait and see. The only thing we’ll say bout this is there is a warband of all wolf riders, so… maybe?

Although the hobgoblins in the recent past were linked to the Chaos Dwarves, which were produced by Forge World in resin.


Kharadron-OverlordsHaving them all under one faction sounds like something GW would definitely do. Really nothing crazy, plenty of armies have multiple sub-factions that can be played on their own or together. It would be cool to combine them and would probably make releases for them easier to come out with.

Well, there you have it! A ton of rumors to hold you over for quite a while.

Do you think some of these will be true? What rumor for the new edition of AoS do you hope is most true?

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