RUMORS – AoS Campaign & Fate of Generals Handbook

By Rob Baer | June 15th, 2016 | Categories: Age of Sigmar, Warhammer 40k Rumors

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Even more excitement is on the way for Age of Sigmar in just a few short weeks! Today we have more rumors and news from Stores around the world

We’re hearing reports from stores now on the new Age of Sigmar Launch and lead up to their Worldwide Campaign in just a few short weeks:

Source: Dakka’s str00dles1:

“Talked to my FLGS who spoke to the GW Rep.

FLGS can be in the campaign to “shape the world of AOS

Our local one is. There will be missions to play, in a way like a league but every victory you get, the store gives you a card and a special code where you enter it on the gw site and paste your battle report. Who won, factions, etc

The book with points comes out July 21st. Stores who are participating gets a store copy 3 weeks early. Our store was told we would have it July 1st, and that anyone playing in the campaign thing can use it of course to build armies.”

Industry insiders have confirmed to Spikey Bits that their will be FOUR big new missions to play in the campaign advance the AoS storyline. As we also reported a few days ago their will be TWO big pushes leading upto the launch of the Worldwide campaign, and stores will indeed get the “pre-release” kit (think Betrayal at Calth meets Tank Shock), three weeks early.

kids age of sigmar

What We Know: 

Source Games Workshop (facebook)

new age of sigmar campaign

Hey guys,
Loads of you have been asking about the upcoming Season of War campaign. Well here’s a little bit more on what you can expect this July, and how you can get involved.

We’ll have more information for you over the coming weeks on the war for the Realm of Life, what you’ll be fighting for and how you can report your results.

You now have exactly one month to go until battle is joined in the Realm of Life – plenty of time to add those last couple of units to your army.


Good things are on the way for the Mortal Realms folks! Who will you fight for this summer!

New Orangized Play & Summer Campaign for 40k & AoS