RUMORS: First Round Byes & Changes to the 40k ITC Circuit

chaos rumors new wal hor warhammer games workshopThere are some pretty big FLG rumors floating around about changes to the 40k ITC circuit and how you can get first-round byes at LVO!

There are some spicy rumors out there that will have a huge impact on LVO and the majority of ITC tournaments. Plus, from the looks of it, you will be able to win exclusive prizes as well!

If you’re planning on going to LVO in 2023 and beyond, then it will most likely behoove you to go to some other tournaments for prizes or possible byes.

RUMORS: First Round Byes & Changes to the 40k ITC Circuit

LVO 2023So, let’s start with maybe the most interesting rumor! First, it looks like they are teaming up with other non-FLG tournaments on the ITC circuit to create a Qualifier circuit for LVO.

So people who win those events (as well as official FLG ones) will actually get a bye in LVO for at least their first game. Which, we’re guessing, means you just win the first game with full points?

What exactly tournaments will be included and can get you a bye?  Supposedly FLG events (obviously) will be included, and then, if you’re not within close proximity to one of their events, it looks like there will be events they are teaming up with that will be within half a day’s drive for the majority of people in the USA.

So, hopefully, everyone will have a try at this. However, it’s not just going to be in the US, they will have a presence in the UK, EU, and Australia as well. So, from what we hear, if you want a bye at LVO, be sure to keep your eyes open and look for what events will be included so you can get that sweet bye at LVO! 

Now, that’s not everything that looks to be happening! The best in faction at these qualifier events will win exclusive prizes now as well. While we don’t know exactly what they are, there is nothing wrong with winning exclusive prizes!

Especially because you don’t have to win the whole thing to get them, just beat out the other people in your faction.

Overall, if true, it will be cool to see FLG teaming up with other events, and hey, getting a first-round bye at LVO is no joke, either! 

Are you planning on going to these other events? Are you excited to get a bye (well, possibly)? 

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