RUMORS – Chaos Traitor Legions Codex Rules Spotted

By Rob Baer | December 3rd, 2016 | Categories: Warhammer 40k News, Warhammer 40k Rumors


New Rules for the Chaos Traitor Legions are already making the rounds today, as it looks like one lucky group of hobbyists may have the book! The Dark Gods beckon!

The Combat Phase podcast is claiming to not only have the book currently, but has also transcribed it for all the followers of the Dark Gods around the world:

Did this fast as fans cracking the whip behind me so pardon auto spell errors, if any abbreviations don’t make sense ad just ask if you have any questions. Thanks, fans for your support and patience! 🙂
Codex Supplement: Traitor Legions $35 USD pre-order Dec. 3, available Dec. 10

Disclaimer: I’m not a competitive beat-face player but love themed armies and fluff and when that marries into a playable force I can use on the tabletop I’m happy. I’m also only recently become a CSM player last week with WoM and Thousand Sons release (army already being built and getting some paint). However, I am a Horus Heresy nut and if any of you have listened to this podcast before (Combat Phase podcast) you’ll know how I love me some heresy. If you are looking for new rules for Heresy models from FW or plastic GW HH products then I’m afraid to tell you that is not here.

As I’ve said before, no new models accompany this or the Codex: Imperial Agents books this week or next, however, in 2017, so few weeks away…we should have quite a good first quarter (at the very least). That said, as a Heresy player I’m impressed with most of the flavoring given to these legions. Some like Alpha Legion or Death Guard (my  30K army) or even World Eaters are pretty sweet enemy opinion. But you decide for yourself.
The episode of Combat Phase with this review is coming soon but in the meantime for all who are chomping at the bit, let’s begin…


Book contents
Most of the book is data sheets and even more is creating the 9 legions to give you themey armies, special rules, artifacts, warlord traits, objective markers, expanded Nurgle and Slaanesh lore for DG & EC respectively.This means, like Tzeencth, now 6 + 1 primaries power. As with Wrath of Magnus, you can make any CSM army into a specific legion given certain modifications, then the army gains additional special rules and when an army is composed of at lest 1 core and 1 auxiliary formation you get a formation with extra benefits. If you warlord is from this legion detachment it becomes your primary detachment and all in the primary detachment gain the benefits. Just with recent supplements an example is given when building a legion force where a gamer has a collection of models and the example walks through how he/she would separate models into a primary detachment with the bulk and a HQ & 2+ troops at least to for a CAD which gains objective secured.

The book opens with some fluff for the Long War and a page with killer artwork for each of the 9 legions presented here. We see the usual inclusion of high quality art and photography of models engaged in combat we’re used to from GW. This is a supplement to codex Chaos Space Marines so any new datasheets here replace what is in CSM. New wargear is on pages 135-136. The new rules vehicle squadrons from Traitor’s Hate are included where Chaos vindicators and predators can be taken as a squadron. I think especially the vindicator one is best, and would be quite fluffy in an Iron Warriors list.

Very fluff choices, all around in my opinion. Legions hating their old Heresy enemies, how they score, relics and traits but especially primary detachment rules.

Vindicators: 120 base/for 2nd & 3rd models (minimum cost: 360 pts) – gains Linebreaker Bombardment: Instead of firing all 3, select 1 vindicator to fire the demolisher cannon which now becomes 24”, S10, AP2, Ordinance but uses the 10” Apocalyptic Blast template and Ignores cover 🙂

Predators: 75 base/  for 2nd & 3rd (minimum cost 225) if all 3 predators are on field they gain monster hunter and tank hunter.

General layout formations reflect the fighting style of each legion, taking into account how steeped in Chaos they may be. So without further ado

Legions- every legion has 6 exclusive warlord traits, artifacts, tactical objectives, rules for CSM in their legion army, and if its detachment is the primary detachment allows them to re-roll legion warlord trait.
For formations I’m not copy/pasting all so see the first occurrence of the general formations for details)


1. Black legion
CSM become black if: Abaddon is the only unique; any unit that can take VotLW do so at no cost; Psykers (games goes for Demon psykers)from Nurgle, Slaanesh, or Tzeentch can choose to generate all their spells from these lords respectively
Gains: Endless hatred (units w/VotLW have Hatred; but also can re-roll failed to-hits every round of close combat vs. unit which contains armies of imperium in it); First among traitors (Chaos Termies & Chosen are troops)
Designer’s note: The Black Crusader warlord trait provides preferred enemy space marine which includes everything from factions: Space Marines, Blood Angels, Dark Angels, Deathwatch, Grey Knights, Legion of the Damned, SWolves)
Warlord: Warlord & friendly w/in 12”have pref enemy SM (see designer’s note above); Warlord can refill Chaos Boon/Gift of Mutation but accept result; gets shooting template S4, AP5, assault 1, soul blaze, 1 use only (LAME!); gets It Will Not Die!; melee weapons gains instant death on to-wound roll of 6; Warlord & friendly w/in 12” stubborn

Artefacts: –

  • Crucible of Lies (25) -1T but re-roll invuln saves of 1
  • Eye of the Night (75) once per game, in place of shooting range infinite, S5, AP 4, Heavy 1, lg blast, haywire, maelstrom, ignores cover, 1-use only
  • The Hands of Darkness (50) instead of cc use SX2 AP1 melee, armorbane, flesh bane, instant death
  • Last Memory of Yuranthos (30 Psyker only, gain 1 mastery level, this new spell must be sunburst pyromania) , declare range, 12” charge 2, 18” charge 3 if perils using boosted range auto-death, no roll
  • The skull of Ker’ngar (40) gain eternal warrior and adam will
    The Spineshard Blade (30) S user, AP3  melee, demon weapon, quicksilver (+1 initiative in cc)

Black Legion Speartip –  Heralds of the Black Crusade (all non-vehicles gain fear and crusader); Speatrip strike(Deep Strike can try to come in 1st turn on 3+, if Warlord has DS his unit auto-pass turn 1 DS reserve)

  • 1+ Core Black Legion warband (1 lord, -1 sorcerer, 2-6 SM and/or chosen, 1-3 raptor/warp t, 1-3 havocs/helbrutes)- roll twice on boon& choose 1 or both results); Hounds of Abaddon (1 Lord, 1-3 Kh berry, 1-3 CSM, 1-3 raptors, warp t, or bikes combo) – once/game can run & charge same round; charge roll of 8+ before mods +1 str during assault phase
  • 1+ Aux Lost & Damned,  Helforged wrack, Deamon Engine, Heldrake Terror, Cult of destruction, Fist of the Gods, (Raptor Talon, Terminator annihliation Force, Spawn (1-3 spawn)
  • 0-5 Command Bringers of Despair (Abby + termies- termies get WS5, charge roll 8 = +1 str assault  ), Cyclopian Cabal (3-5 sorc- each pay phase can cast shroud of deceit, gets bonus dice per sorc w/in 12”. [pick non vehicle enemy w/in 30’ not locked in combat, make that unit shoot as if it were yours  ), Chosen of Abaddon (1-4 lords/sorc, unit of chosen or terms for each lord/sorc——joined units are fearless, each Lord or sort gets free boon role before deployment refill spans & apotheosis ), Lord of the Legion (1 of following: Abaddon, Chas Lord, Sorcerer, dark apostle or demon prince)
    tactical objectives:

1VP for destroying a unit in turn; 1 VP if enemy failed morale/pin/fear; D3Vp if kill IndChar; D6 & 1VP if you get that obj [common Chaos one]; 1VP if kill unit/D3 if killed by VotLW; 1Vp if manifested power, D3 if conjuration, D3+3 if summoned a Greater demon

alhpa-legion alpha chaos
2 – Alpha legion (happy with this fluff/rules!)
Must: if no unique, no marks, if so get VotLW free, sorcerer can choose all powers from it’s God’s discipline
gains: Forward Operatives: Chosen become troops; Chosen, CSM, cultists gain infiltrate;

Many Heads of the Hydra:if warlord slain pick a new friendly character from AL detachment or formation. He generates warlord trait immediately. Can do this as long as you can. Opponent won’t get Slay the Warlord if they haven’t killed last remaining warlord from this 🙂
WT: can gain infiltrate; once per game friendly AL character w/same “type” as you and can swap their positions; from turn 2 pick a reserve unit to come on auto for each turn; stealth warlord; cultists w/in 12” get furious charge & FnP 6+


  • The Mindveil (30)start of your move move 3D6 immediately, can take you from combat & enemy cannot consolidate;
  • Blade of Hydra (30) S user AP 5,melee, demon weapon, rending, multi headed (every roll of 6 to hit generate another attack—these do explode! so, until you don’t roll a 6)
  • Viper’s Bite (15)  24” S5 AP2,rapid fire
    The Drakescale Plate (25) armor gives 2+ save w/2+ invuln vs. flamer weapons;
  • Hyrda’s Teeth (15) bolter gets blast, ignore cover, poison 2+;
    Icon of Insurrection (25) give friendly cultists w/in 12”  zealot.

army:  Hidden deployment (all non-vehical) shrouded 1st turn; cult uprising (cultist units destroyed on 4+ back into ongoing reserves)

  • Core: Chaos warband
  • command: Lord of Legion
  • aux: 8 formations (see Black Legion)
    tact obj: capture enemy/unclaimed building; your cultists get destroyed gain VP, destroy a DS,H&Run, Outflank or scout unit; your infiltrators kill a unit; get into enemy deploy zone; kill character (more for more characters)

chaos iron warriors

3 – Iron Warriors

must: no unique, no marks take VotLW, Psykers from gods (see above)
gain: Blood feud: VotLW re-roll failed to hit every combat round vs. Imp Fists, but IF get Hatred YOU; iron w/in, iron w/out: VotLW gain 6+ FnP,

Patrons of technovirus: Obliterators and Mutilators are troops; siege masters: units re-roll armor pen vs buildings it didn’t glance or pen. +1 damage big roll result; IW havens, obits, mutilators get tank hunter

WT: FnP 4+; Fearless; give your terrain piece +1 cover; Friendly Oblits w/in 12” can fire twice in consecutive shooting phases; WL + unit have split fire & counterattack while in cover; friendly vehicles get It WND w/in 6” WL


  • Warpbreacher (25) warp smith can possess a vehicle each turn as daemonic possession vehicle equipment;
  • Nest of Mechserpents (20) warp smith only in challenge, resolve first 2 hits normally if both hit remainder of attacks have Instant Death;
  • axe of forge master (25)  S +1  AP2 melee, armor bane, master crafted, unwieldy;
  • Fleshmetal exoskeleton (30)armor 2+ + gains IWND;
  • Cranium malevolous (30) at enemy shooting phase enemy vehicles w/in 2D6’ of bearer suffer automatic haywire hit, no cover allowed;
  • siege breaker mace (25) S+2 Ap 4, concussive, masterccraft, siege breaker – signal S10, AP 1 attack melee

army: master annihilation: barrage and word weapons can choose to re-roll scatter die; intractable brotherhood: all non-veh are stubborn; on or in fortification gain fearless instead

  • cor: chasse warband
  • command: Lords of legion
  • aux: Stronghold (1-3 fortifications + others

tact obj: VP if kill unit even partially w/in 18” your table edge; VP if kill unit that was controlling an obj; VP if your oblits/mutil destroyed a unit; roll die and get that obj; Vp if enemy forts/buildings lost HP (more if more);destroy enemy vehicle
(more is more)

sevatar art

4 Night Lords -again, for me, fluffy as shit! 🙂
must: same as above
gains: In midnight clad: VotLW gain fear, night vision. stealth; Skyborne horror: raptors are troops; Terror tactics: enemy locked in combat w/you must -2 leadership for Fear
WT: H7Run; re-eroll to-wound 1 in assault; Hatred; re-roll cover saves; WL&unit get HoWrath; Rampage


  • scourging chain (10)melee weapons gain shred;
  • Claws of Black Hunt (40) Ap3 rending/shredding master-crafted claws;
  • Curzes Orb (20) (ha!) re-roll 1 on run, hit & wound;
  • Stormbolt Plate (20) 2+ armor (cover improves by 1);
  • Viox Daemonicus (30) enemy w/in 6” -1 Ldsh & -1 from reserve rolls 🙂
    Talons of Night Terror (20) each fight sub phase make additional D3 attacks (or D6 if turn you charged) S user AP5, melee, shred

army: Strike Hard/Fast: re-roll failed charge; Nocturnal Warfare: You assure Night Fight if want…during that turn all your non-vehicles cover improved by 1

  • core: Chaos warband OR Raptor Talon
  • command: Lord of Legion
  • Aux: the 8

tac obj: kill a character, make successful charge, your DS reserves kill a unit, destroy enemy in assault (D3 for 3); D3 if kill at least 2 units controlling obj; enemy fails pin, fear or moral (improves)

chaos square hor

Well just having seen this first half of the rumored new rules for Chaos, I have to say I am impressed. IF true, look to be pretty well balanced and work well with the current Chaos Space Marine codex.

Did you also notice that there was very rare instances of things becoming another force organization type? Sure there was the stuff we expected but really this is a collection of formations and detachments for the most part, that can confer troop status to some other types of units that normally would not have it.

It seems like to me they are setting this book up to have life after the edition change, as we could see 8th Edition 40k going to more of a formation type game similar to Age of Sigmar that could only require “Troops” for force organization if you were playing a particular faction (I.E. Iron Warriors).

Now the rules themselves for the legions all seem very fluffy and when compared to the current competitive meta really don’t seem “OP” at all. Plus don’t forget you can mis Daemons in where applicable either as allies or formations to said army.

Plus they did re-use some of the previous formations and wargear we have already seen as well from Traitor’s Hate, etc.

Seeing these I would expect the Obliterator models to immediately sell out from GW’s site along with Raptors, and perhaps cultists models as well.

Well post up a typeset copy of the other 5 legions (4 new ones minus the T-Sons) and the new physics next, with our thoughts on the matter.

Special Thanks To the Combat Phase for posting this, be sure to give their pocast a listen with it drops.


New Chaos Traitor Legions Rules News & Rumors